~Chapter 46~

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Namjoon's POV

Once mine and Jin's car arrived at the dorms, we got out and grabbed our bags. We took Jungkook's and Jimin's bags with us. We grabbed all four bags and went into the dorm. It's nice to be home, but we're not really here for a good reason.

I set Jimin and Jungkook's bags on the couch and took mine to my room. I just set it on my bed and went back to the living room. I sat down with Jin on the couch, waiting for the others to arrive.

"What do you think is going to happen?" I asked Jin. "Honestly, knowing Jungkook, he might just lock himself in his room. He doesn't like to tell people about his feelings. I don't even know how Jimin got Jungkook to tell him," he said.

"Ya, but we can't let him lock himself in his room. We need to help him through this," I said. "Ya, that's all we can do," he agreed.

Just then, the door opened and we both looked up, going silent. It was Tae, Yoongi, and Hobi. "Where are Jimin and Jungkook?" I asked. "They should be here by now." "I thought they were here," Tae said. "No, we haven't heard from them since we were at the airport," Jin said.

"Then where are they!?" Yoongi raised his voice. "Maybe they just took a wrong turn," I said. "How? We've had the same drives for years," Hobi said. "Thay are probably in traffic. Don't assume the worst," I said. "Ya, but What if-" "No what if's," Jin interrupted Tae.

"Everyone just go and unpack. Then we can all come back and sit together and wait till they come back," I said. They all nodded and walked to their rooms.

I walked to my room, trying to think positive thoughts, which is better said than done. I quickly unpacked my bags and went back to the living room.

Jin and Tae were already sitting there, just looking at the door. I sat down next to Jin and joined them in looking at the door. A few seconds later Hobi walked in and joined the three of us.

We all, except Yoongi, sat in the living room staring at the door. We sat in silence and you could hear us all breathing. "Not to ruin the mood or anything, but you all look dead inside," Yoongi said walking in.

"What if we are?" I said. "Have you heard from them or anything?" he asked. Everyone said, "No." "Where are they. I'm tired and I want to go to bed, but I'm too worried about Jung fuckin Kook to sleep," Yoongi said. We all sighed and just continued looking at the door.

~10 Minutes Later~

"We need to do something guys," Jin said, "I can't sit here any longer. "Like what?" Tae asked. "Well, we can't watch a movie, since nobody would actually watch the movie. Why don't we play a game or something?" I suggested.

"We should do like a dancing talent show. But we can't do any of the dances we know. We have to come up with something out of our mind," Tae suggested.

"Sure, but where are we doing this," Hobi asked. "I can move the couches to the side and we can do it here," I said. "Okay, let's get this going then," Yoongi said. Everyone stood up and we all started to move the couches out of the way.

"Okay, who's judging?" I asked. "Well whoever does is going to be biased to their boyfriend or boyfriends," Jin said. "True, who don't we record it and have army decide," Tae suggested. "Works for me, whose phone are we using?" Jin asked. "Mine, we can use mine," Hobi said.

Hobi set up his phone, as we finished moving everything out of the way. "Who's going first?" I asked. "ME!" Tae yelled. "Second," Jin said. "Third," Hobi said. "I'll go forth," I said. "That leaves me fifth," Yoongi said.

Once the camera was set up, we were ready to start. Hobi pressed play and first up was Tae.

Yoongi's POV

As Tae was thinking of a dance to do, I still couldn't help but think about Jimin and Jungkook. I don't necessarily think they are hurt or anything. I think they might be somewhere and forgot to tell us or they are just going to stay in a hotel. I don't know why they would stay in a hotel when all Jungkook wanted to do was come home.

Tae finally came up with something and started dancing. I honestly don't know what he was doing, but it was definitely funny. We all burst out laughing. It's a good thing nobody was holding the camera because the footage wouldn't be very good from all the laughing.

Tae finished up and it was now Jin's turn. "Okay Jin-Hyung you're up," Tae said. "I don't even know what to do," he said, going to stand where Tae was. It was silent for a few seconds. "Okay, I think I got it," he said laughing a little.

Jin started dancing and let me tell you I don't think anyone could recreate it, even Jin himself. Once Jin's turn was over, I started to think about Jungkook and Jimin again. "Guys hold on," I started.

"What if they are hurt or something. Someone needs to text Jimin or tell a staff member." "Hyung, this was supposed to keep our minds off of them," Hobi said. "Ya, well it's not," I said storming out and walking to my room.

Hobi's POV

"I'll stop the video I guess," I said. Everyone just stood there after Yoongi walked out. "I should go see if he's okay," Tae said. "I'll come with you," I said. Tae and I walked to Yoongi's room, not knowing what to expect.

Tae knocked on the door and we waited. Yoongi opened the door and looked up at us. "Please talk to us," Tae said. "About what," he acted as if nothing happened. "Come on. I know you're worried about Jungkook and Jimin. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "I guess," he said.

We walked into his room and sat down on his bed. He sat in front of us. I could tell he was worried because he wasn't even looking at us or anything.

"Hyung come here," I said. He scooted over and sat between my legs, while Tae leaned against me. "Talk to us now," Tae said.

"It's just what if they got in a crash or something?" he asked. "Ya, but they also could just be somewhere hanging out or staying at a hotel," Tae said. "But still what if," Yoongi argued. "If we play the what-if game it's going to go on forever," I said.

"So how are we supposed to stop thinking about them then?" he asked. "The game was supposed to help, but it obviously didn't," Tae said. "We could go on a walk or something. That might help also," I suggested. "I guess, but we have to tell Namjoon where we are going," Tae said. "Okay, let's go then," Yoongi said, sitting up.

We all stood up and walked back to the living room. "Hey Namjoon, we're going to take a walk," I said, as we put our shoes on. "Okay, just keep your faces hidden," he agreed.

We walked out of the dorms and onto the main sidewalk. There were few people out, but if one of them noticed us it would probably attract a crowd. Tae quickly found another path and we walked on it instead.

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