~Chapter 20~

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Jin's POV

I started cooking breakfast as quietly as I could because Hobi and Tae were sleeping on the couch. Namjoon just stood off to the side and watched me.

"You know Namjoon if you keep staring at me like that, the others are going to find out," I said, smirking. He blushed and looked away. I continued cooking breakfast and finished within twenty minutes. I set all the food down on the table and went back to Namjoon.

"Can you go wake up Jimin and Jungkook?" I asked. "No, sorry babe, but no," he said. "Why," I said. "You know, last time I walked in on them," he said. "Okay fine, I'll do it then," I said.

I walked up the stairs, but then I heard a door open and voices. It was Jimin and Jungkook. "Come on, I made breakfast," I said going back downstairs.

Once I got back downstairs I saw that Yoongi had woken up and was sitting at the table with Namjoon. "Who's going to wake up Hobi and Tae?" I asked. Nobody said anything and just looked at the ground.

"Where are they anyway," Yoongi asked cluelessly. "Go in the living room and look," I said. He got and walked to the living room with me. "They're cute," Yoongi said, smiling. "Okay Hobi, Tae you need to get up," I said walking over to them.

I shook Tae's shoulder since he was on top of Hobi. Tae opened his eyes and looked confused for a second. Then he realized what was going on. "Breakfast is ready," I said, walking back to the dining room.

Hobi's POV

I felt someone on top of me moving around a lot. "Can you stop moving," I whispered, wanting to go back to sleep. "Hobi, it's time for breakfast," he said. I opened my eyes and saw Tae on top of me.

Then I saw that we were in the living room. My eyes widened, connecting the dots. "Yes Hyung, they all saw us sleeping together," he said. My face flushed red. Tae got up off me and then helped me up. I stretched then walked into the dining room. Everyone was looking at me smiling.

"We shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch," I said mentally slapping myself. I sat down and Tae came to sit down next to me. I looked around the table and it was kind of weird. Jimin and Jungkook were sitting really close. Jin and Namjoon were sitting close. Tae and I were, then you have lonely Yoongi.

"Are you thinking about how I'm lonely?" Yoongi asked. "Um..." I choked on my words, knowing he was right. He smirked and looked back down.

It took me a few minutes, but then I shot my head up. Everyone looked at me weird. "So Jin-Hyung and Namjoon-Hyung are dating," I said out loud. I looked at them and they froze. "Yes, they are," Jimin said. "How would you know?" I asked.

Jimin's POV

"Well..." I looked at Namjoon and he was glaring at me. I didn't care, it was bound to get out eventually. "I caught them making out in the hallway one morning, so I asked them and the rest is history," I said.

Everyone looked at Jin and Namjoon. Jin's face was red and Namjoon didn't look very happy. Nobody questioned them, or teased them, and just went back to eating. "Why do you guys look so scared?" Namjoon asked, lighting the mood a little.

"Um..." we all said in unison. "Yes, Jin-Hyung and I are dating and have been for a while now," he said. "Oh, how did we not notice this?" Tae asked. "I don't know, you guys are completely oblivious," Jin said. We all laughed and continued eating breakfast.

~5 days later~

(A/N: I skipped some time because I felt like the story would be boring if I didn't. I hope you don't mind.)

"Is everyone packed," Jin asked. We were all sitting in the living room, making sure everyone was prepared. We couldn't forget anything. "Yes," everyone said together. "Jimin, tomorrow, I will wake you up earlier than normal, so you don't make us late. You as well Jungkook. Yoongi do you have your phone charger?" Jin asked. "Yes," he said.

"Okay everybody is going to go to bed early tonight, so we aren't late. I was laughing in my mind because Jin is so bossy before we go on tour. It doesn't bother us though. We know he just wants to make sure we have everything and nothing gets left behind.

He paused for a few minutes, but then started talking again. "So, since we have to be up early, tonight I want you all in your rooms by 10 and no buts about it," he said, looking at all of us. "Does it matter what room we are in?" I asked. "No, just be in a bedroom by 10," he said. Everyone nodded.

Jin has never done something like this before, I wonder what could be going on. Jin let us all continue our day, but I couldn't help but notice he seemed a bit off. Jin went straight up to his room, not taking anything or anyone with him.

I walked upstairs and knocked on his door, determined to see what was going on. Jin opened the door and he looked like he was about to cry. "Hyung, what's wrong?" I asked. "N-Nothing," he stuttered, telling me something was wrong. Jin never stutters, in fact, I have only heard him stutter like once or twice.

I pushed passed him and walked into his room. Normally when I walk in his room without permission, he gets made or something, but he didn't today. I sat down on his bed and he sat down next to me. "Hyung, please tell me what is wrong. Something is obviously wrong. You look like you're ready to cry," I said. As soon as I said that he broke down.

Jungkook's POV

I was sitting next to Namjoon on the couch, while Jin was talking about the trip. It's weird because not once did Jin look at Namjoon and Namjoon didn't look at Jin either. Something has to be going on with them.

Once Jin stopped talking he went straight upstairs and Jimin followed behind him. I knew he noticed Jin was acting weird. Namjoon got up and started walking to his room. I grabbed his wrist and he turned to look at me. He had tears in his eyes.

I walked out of the living room, dragging Namjoon behind me, and into his room. I sat him down on his bed. Before I could say anything, he broke down into tears. Whatever happened had to have been bad because I have never seen Namjoon cry.

I sat next to him and put my arms around him. "Hyung, can you tell me what happened," I asked, using the softest voice I could. "J-Jin a-and I-I," he broke down and couldn't finish his sentence. Instead of making him say it, I decided to try and ask. "Did you guys break up?" He shook his head.

"Okay, um..." I tried to think of other possibilities that happened. I just couldn't get past the fact that Namjoon was sitting in my lap, crying his eyes out. "Are you jealous of something that happened with him?" I asked again. He shook his head again.

"Okay..." I thought again. Suddenly, it popped into my head, "Did you guys get into a fight?" He nodded his head and cried even harder. "Okay, so now I just have to figure what the fight was about," I thought. I sighed a little knowing I wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon. 

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