~Chapter 10~

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Jungkook's POV

We arrived at Leto Cafe for our date. I found this place a few years ago, while I was taking a break from practice. It's a really cute and nice place, plus they have the best food and drinks.

"Come on Jimin-Hyung, let's go inside," I said getting out of the car. "Wow, you actually said "Hyung" that's the first time in forever," Jimin said getting out as well.

We walked up to the front door and went inside. I walked up to the counter, with Jimin following behind me. Luckily, there weren't many people here, so we didn't have to worry about getting recognized.

"Could I get a hot chocolate please?" Jimin asked, the person behind the counter. "I'll have the same, but add a cookie please," I said. "Okay, you guys total will be $14.97. And if you don't mind could I get both of your signatures?" he asked. "Yep," I said handing him the money. He grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. We both signed our names then went to sit down.

Eventually, our drinks, and my cookie, came. I took a piece of my cookie and ate it. "Mhm, this is so good. You should've got one," I said while eating. "Well, I'll just have a piece of yours," he said, breaking a piece of my cookie off.

"Hey!" I said. "You'll live it's only a small piece," he said, now eating the same cookie I was. "You're lucky I like you," I said. Once we finished the cookie, we grabbed our drinks and walked outside. We didn't want a taxi, so we just decided to walk back to the main town. Besides, it wasn't too long, it was only like 20 minutes.

Since there was no one around, or so we thought, Jimin and I locked hands. That was of course until we reached the city. The streets were busy and someone was bound to notice us. And we all know, when one person notices, everyone will start to. We got about 2 blocks in the city until somebody noticed us.

Even though they noticed us they gave us space, they did pull out their phones and take pictures, record us and stuff. Jimin and I walked into a few buildings, people still keeping their space.

We didn't see anything too interesting. By now there were a lot of people looking at us and pointing their phones at us. Jimin and I tried to act normal as we kept walking.

Jimin's POV

I wanted to hold Jungkook's hand, but we both knew that it wasn't an option. Jungkook and I were walking, when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and it was a message from Jin.

Jin: You and Jungkook need to come here now. We are having a meeting with Sejin (manger).

Jiminie: Okay.

Jin: We'll be there in a few.

Jiminie: Okay.

"Jungkook, Jin-Hyung needs us to come back. They are having a meeting," I said. "Okay, let's go then," he said. We decided to walk back to the hotel since it was only a few minutes away.

~Time Skip~

We arrived back at the hotel and went to Jin's room. In Jin's room, were the rest of the members and our manger. Jungkook and I sat down across from Sejin. I looked over to Jin, trying to see if he knew what was going on. Jin just shrugged, which let me know he didn't know either.

"Okay guys, so you are probably wondering why I asked you all here," Sejin started. "Mhm," all of us nodded. "Well tomorrow, as you know, is the fan sign. We have to leave here by 10, to arrive by 10:30 and start at 11:30. Does that sound good?" he asked.

"Ya that should be fine," Namjoon said. "Jin, please make sure everyone is on time, especially Jimin," Sejin said looking at me. "I will make sure he and everyone else will be on time," Jin said.

"Okay, enjoy the rest of your day. Sorry, I interrupted," Sejin said heading towards the door. "No problem," Tae said. Sejin left, probably going back to his room. "We are all going out for dinner in an hour. So be ready by then," Tae said.

Tae and Yoongi went to their rooms to get ready, while the rest of us stayed in Jin's room. Jin and Joon were talking with Hobi and Jungkook and me on our phones. Everything was fine, until Jungkook and I both looked up at each other at the same time.

Jungkook's POV

I looked up at Jimin after I saw an Instagram post. The picture was one of Jimin and I holding hands.

(Imagine then outside) We just stared at each other for a few minutes, not knowing what to say or do

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(Imagine then outside) We just stared at each other for a few minutes, not knowing what to say or do.

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