~Chapter 68~

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin and I sat in the studio for about another hour just talking and sitting there. It feels good to talk to him and I cannot express that enough. "Baby we should probably go back. They are probably wondering where we are," I said.

"But I like staying here with you," he said. "Yes, but my butt is numb for sitting on the ground." "Now that you say that, so is mine," he laughed. "Alright let's go back to the dorm and we can cuddle more or something else," I said.

"Okay, but promise me, before we leave, promise you will tell me when something is wrong," he said. "I promise." He smiled and I pecked him on the lips. "Let's go," I said standing up. We walked out of the studio and got to the front of the building.

"Hyung, we need a car," I said. "I'll call one since neither of our cars is here," Jimin said. "I guess we should've had one of the Hyungs bring us a car or something," I said. "Oh well," he said.

I looked at all the pictures on the wall, while I waited for a car to come. Some of the pictures were photoshoots we did or others in the company. Others were awards we have won or something else.

"Let's go Jungkookie the cars here," Jimin said. I followed him out the door, we both got into the backseat and drove to the dorms.

~Time Skip~

When we got back to the dorms, all the members were sitting in the living room watching t.v. "Hey guys, we brought food back. It's in the fridge," Jin said. "Thanks, Hyung," Jimin said. "Guys I want to tell you something," I said.

"Sure Kook, what is it?" Namjoon asked while Yoongi turned off the t.v. "It's not that big of a deal, but I promise I am going to try my best to tell one of you when something is wrong. Jimin-Hyung and I had a long talk and I think I can manage to tell at least one person when I'm overwhelmed or stressed."

"Kook, we will always be on your side to listen and help you. You can talk to us any time of the day, it doesn't matter. We are all here for you," Jin said. "Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you," I said

"We're happy that you're okay," Namjoon said. I smiled and they smiled back. "Guys, I'm already sore," Tae whined. "Me too," I said we all laughed. "Well, you wanted to practice," Hobi told me. "I know. Maybe I should've had us wait a little longer," I said. "Oh well, we just need to get back into the swing of things," Jimin said.

"Please tell me we aren't waking up at 7 tomorrow," I said. "I can do 7:01," Hobi said. "Ugh, fine," I said. I sat down on the couch and turned my attention towards the t.v.

Jimin sat down next to me and leaned against me. All the members were staring at him probably wondering what happened and if everything was alright. "Guys it's fine. Everything went good okay?" Jimin said.

"Sorry Jimin," Namjoon said. "It's fine," Jimin said. All of us ended up watching t.v for a while. "Does anyone want to help me make dinner?" Jin asked. "I will," Yoongi said. "Okay," Jin said, walking out of the living room, Yoongi following behind him.

About 20 minutes later, Jin called us all for dinner. We all stood up and went to sit at the table. I sat next to Jimin and Tae. Yoongi sat at the head of the table with Hoseok on his other side. Namjoon and Jin sat on the other 2 chairs only leaving one chair empty.

We all plated up and started eating. "So guys, I think if we're going to start practicing again we should come up with a schedule," Hobi said. "Okay, I think that's good. But what's it going to be?" I asked.

"Wait! Before you say anything can we maybe push the starting time to 8?" Yoongi asked. "Yes, we can," Hoseok said. "So we don't have to start till 8 tomorrow then?" I asked. "Next week we will start the schedule," Hobi said.

I sighed, knowing I still had to get up early for 3 more days. "So if we get to the studio by 8 and we can practice till 12. Then take a 30 minute lunch break. After lunch, we will practice 3 then come back here and rest. Or take voice lessons if you have them that day?" Hoseok suggested.

"I don't have a voice till 4 though," Tae said. "Ya same," I said. "Well, we can just practice for about another hour then?" Hobi said. "Why don't we just push everything back like an hour?" Yoongi asked.

"We should just practice for the extra hour or whatever it is. We'll probably need it anyway," Jin said. "I guess we could do that for now," Jimin agreed. "Okay, we can start Monday if you guys want?" Hoseok said.

"We should just start tomorrow. It's not like anyone is going to be in our studio," Namjoon said. "Okay fine, we can start tomorrow," Hoseok said. "Everyone needs to be up by 7 since we need to leave by 7:30. If you aren't up one of us will come and barge in. Okay?" Jin asked.

We all nodded, knowing who he was talking to. Jimin and I, sometimes Yoongi. We all finished eating, knowing we're going to have a long day tomorrow. "I'll do dishes," I said standing up. "Thanks, Kook," Jin said.

I grabbed everyone's plates and walked to the kitchen. I turned on the water and started washing them. "I can dry them," I heard Jimin's voice. "Okay," I said. I gave Jimin the washed dishes and he dried them.

After I handed him the last one and he dried it, I trapped him between my arms against the counter. "Thanks for the help baby," I whispered in his ear. He blushed and looked down. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head up. I kissed him and pressed my body against his.

He kissed me back and put his hands around my neck. I brought my hands down to his waist and slipped then under his shirt. I tilted my head and rubbed my tongue against his bottom lip. He didn't open his mouth, probably trying to be difficult.

I gripped his butt and squeezed it a few times. He moaned which allowed me to slip my tongue in his mouth. We continued kissing, our tongues getting tangled in each other. I picked him up and sat him down on the counter.

I continued kissing him and brought my hand down to his inner thigh. I started rubbing circles and he began to moan again. "No! You guys are not doing this in my kitchen," Someone said. I pulled my head away from Jimin and looked towards the door. There was Jin.

"Sorry Hyung," Jimin apologized. "It's fine, but don't do it again. Now come watch a movie with us," he said. "Actually I think we're going to go to bed. We're kind of tired," I said. "Fine, but don't be loud and you guys better be done by the time the rest of us go to bed," he said walking out.

I looked at Jimin and he was as red as a tomato. "Let's go, baby," I said, picking him up. I took him out of the kitchen and up to my bedroom. I set him down on our bed and continued kissing him.

~Time Skipped~

(A/N: Sorry I wasn't in the mood to write smut)

Jimin and I laid there panting after our activities. "Baby we should take a shower," I said. "I don't want to get up though. Please can we just cuddle?" Jimin whined. "Okay," I said.

I opened my arms and he crawled into them. I pulled the blankets over us and went to sleep.


A/N: Just so everyone knows, I am going to start editing this book even though it's not done. So don't be alarmed when you get a bunch of notifications for previous chapters. Hope your day is going good and I will see you guys in the next part. Bye. 

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