~Chapter 17~

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Namjoon's POV

After Jimin and Jungkook left, I got to thinking. "They seemed so off today, even though they talked to each other," I thought. "Hey guys, we need to find a way to get Jungkook and Jimin back together," I said, waiting for everyone's reaction.

"Okay, but like what happened?" Yoongi asked. "Jimin got jealous and now they are fighting or something," Jin said. "Okay, so how are we going to get them back together?" Yoongi asked. "That's what I am asking you," I said. "How am I supposed to know," Yoongi shot back.

"GUYS, can we focus on the actual problem?" Jin said. "Sorry," I said, looking at Jin. "Sorry," Yoongi muttered. "So what are we going to do?" I said, trying to get back on topic.

"Well... we could make them ride by each other on the plane," Hobi said. "How's that going to work?" I asked. "Well, Namjoon and Jin can ride by each other, right?" Hobi asked. "Yeah," Jin said.

"Okay and then Tae and I can ride together," he then said. "Okay," Tae said. "And Yoongi can be in a grumpy mood, so they won't want to sit next to him," Hobi said. "Okay, that could work," I said, liking the idea.

"Ya that's a good idea," Tae said. "Okay so now that everything is set, we can go to bed, since we have to be on the plane early," Jin said. "Okay," everyone said.

We all stood up and everyone walked out of Jin's room, except me of course. After everyone left, I stood up and went to sit on Jin's bed. Jin came and sat next to me, but he wasn't acting normal.

"Jinnie, what's wrong?" I asked, in a soft tone. "Nothing," he mumbled. "Come on, I know something is wrong," I said. He didn't say anything, and I started to think about why he could be mad.

"Jinnie, I'm sorry I argued with Yoongi-Hyung," I said. "Can you apologize to him in the morning?" Jin asked. "Yes, I will," I said. "Okay," Jin said. "Come here," I said, opening my arms.

Jin scooted over and sat between my legs. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned into me. "Are you ready to go home?" I whispered in his ear. "Ya, it's better for us. There is a less chance of the members finding out about us," Jin said. "Me too," I said.

"We should probably go to sleep," he said. "Mhm," I said. I pressed my lips against his for a few minutes then we started to get ready for bed. I got under the blankets and Jin laid next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his head in my chest. We both fell asleep, not waking up till the next morning.

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook... Jungkook," wake up someone said, shaking my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. Namjoon was standing next to me, waiting for me to wake up. I looked out the window and saw that it was still dark outside. I heard the door click close and Namjoon had vanished.

I sat and reached over to grab my phone. I checked the time. 4:26 am. I closed my phone and rolled out of bed. I went to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day. I put on simple clothes and went back to my room.

I put all the clothes back in my bag along with everything else. "Jungkook, are you ready?" Jin asked coming into my room. "Yep," I said, zipping my bag closed.

I walked down to the cars and got into the first one. Nobody was in it and I didn't care if I had to ride with Jimin, but I knew he didn't want to.

I saw everyone else walk out and get into the other cars. Jimin was the last one out and realized that he had to ride with me. He got in and sat next to me.

However, he didn't say anything and just looked out the window, not even glancing at me once. We rode in silence the entire way to the airport. I wanted to talk to him, but I didn't know what to say.

We arrived at the airport after 30 painfully silent minutes. I got out of the car and walked into the airport. We checked in and waited a few minutes to board the plane.

We all boarded the plane. Everyone went before me, besides Jimin, he was behind me. When I got on the plane, Namjoon was sitting next to Jin and Hobi was sitting next to Tae. Yoongi was by himself, but he looked like he was in a grumpy mood. Normally, he hates waking up early.

I looked back at Jimin and saw that he was looking around too. "Do you want the window?" I asked. "Sure," he mumbled. He walked passed me and sat down in his seat. After he sat down, I put my bag away and sat next to him.

Jimin pulled out his phone and put headphones on. I looked away and saw Namjoon looking at me. He quickly looked away, when his eyes met mine. I thought for a second at why he looked away.

"I was always the one to look away, he was never scared of me, unless... he did something that affected me," I thought. "What could he have possibly done?" I thought for a few seconds, while the plane took off.

"I can't believe he did this. He must have been the one to make Jimin and I sit next to each other. I pulled out my phone and decided to text him about it.

Kookie: You really had to make Jimin and I sit next to each other?

Joonie: What do you mean? I didn't do anything.

Kookie: Namjoon, you never look away from me. I always do, unless you do something wrong.

Joonie: Fine, but don't you want to talk to Jimin. And I'm sure he wants to talk to you.

I looked over at Jimin and he was looking at my phone. He quickly turned his head, with his cheek blushing red. "Did Jimin want to talk to me?"I thought.

Kookie: How would you know if Jimin wanted to talk to me?

Joonie: I do talk to him you know.

Kookie: Oh... right.

Joonie: Just talk to him, he wants to talk to you, okay?

Kookie: I don't know what to say though.

Joonie: I don't know. Just ask how his day was yesterday or something. Please he wouldn't shut up about how he wants to talk to you yesterday.

Kookie: Okay


Jimin's POV

"Joonie-Hyung I really need to talk to you," I said knocking on his door for the hundredth time. I was so tired of knocking, but I needed to talk to him. "Finally," I said as he opened the door.

I walked passed him and sat down on a chair in his room. "Ya sure, you can come in," he mumbled. He came and sat down next to me. "Okay Jimin, what is it," he said, looking irritated.

"Well, you know how Jungkook talked to me today," I started. "Ya," he said. "Well, I didn't talk to him, but I really wanted to. And now all I can think about is talking to him," I said.

"Okay, so why can't you just go talk to him?" he asked. "Well... I don't really know what to say," I said looking down.

"Okay," Namjoon said. We sat in silence for a few minutes, while Namjoon was thinking. "Okay, let me paint you a picture," he said. "Okay..." I said.

"So you go and knock on his door. When he opens the door, you will say can we talk? Then, he will let you in and you will both sit down. Then you can ask, how was your day? And things like that. He will answer and hopefully spark conversation ideas. Then, eventually, you will say that you shouldn't have gotten jealous, but that he shouldn't have been all over Tae and me. Then, boom you make up and that is that," he said.

"Okay... but like... how am I just going to casually go up to his room and say hey can we talk," I said. "It's not that hard," he said. "Yes it is, it is not like me to do that," I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Jimin, just go and do it," he said. "But..." I trailed off. "Jimin you will be fine," he said. "You know what, nevermind. I'll just talk to him tomorrow or back in Korea," I said. I got up and walked to the door. I walked out not letting Namjoon say anything else. 

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