Next Generation (Pt. 1)

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"Ooh, this is an interesting one," J said.

"How so?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, this universe focuses on your children," J replied.

Everyone started muttering amongst themselves. Midoriya turned towards me.

"Our children?"

"Yep. By the way, Midoriya, I have a feeling there's something you might wanna tell your classmates before we watch this," J said, winking at him.

He became visibly nervous. "Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about," he said, chuckling nervously. However, it seemed All Might did know.

"It's okay, Young Midoriya," he said. "You can tell them."

"Tell us what?" Uraraka asked.

Midoriya sighed. He stood up and walked to the front of the theater so he was facing everyone.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," All For One said.

Midoriya took a deep breath before opening his eyes and speaking. "There's something I need to tell all of you. About my Quirk."

"Don't tell me," Shigaraki muttered.

"My Quirk isn't actually called Superpower," Midoriya said. "In fact, I was originally born Quirkless."

"Quirkless? You mean, like, you were a late bloomer or something?" Kaminari asked.

"No. I was completely powerless. Just a scrawny little kid who would constantly get picked on by the kids who had Quirks. That was until I met All Might."

"What does All Might have to do with you being Quirkless?" Iida asked.

"That's the thing. Tsuyu was one of the first people to notice. You see... my Quirk is called One For All. It's a special kind of Quirk that can be passed down from one person to another."

"A Quirk that can be passed down that's not hereditary?" Yaoyorozu asked. "That shouldn't be possible." A look of realization appeared on her face. "It can't be!"

"Yes," All Might said. "My Quirk is also One For All. It can be transferred from one person to another through DNA. It's a long and complicated story, but I found Midoriya to be worthy of my power."

"But how can such an overpowered Quirk exist?" Todoroki asked.

"That's where I come in," All For One said. "As most of you probably know, my Quirk allows me to steal and transfer the Quirks of others. I used to rule Japan with this power. But I had a brother who stood against me. He was Quirkless, or so I thought. I tried to make him submit by giving him a Quirk, one that would allow him to stockpile power. However, he already had a Quirk. A completely useless one that allowed him to transfer Quirks to others. The two Quirks combined to create One For All, the antithesis to All For One. And the rest is history."

"Wait, so how many people have had this Quirk before Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.

"Well, I'm the 9th user, so 8 people before me have used this Quirk."

"Wow, so you're like... the Chosen One or something," Uraraka said.

"I chose Young Midoriya because I saw the heart of a true hero. I'm sure Young Bakugou can attest to that," All Might said.

Everyone looked at Bakugou, confused. He sighed.

"Remember the Sludge Villain Incident?" he asked the audience, with everyone nodding their heads in response. "Well, before All Might stepped in, the only person who tried to get me out of there... was Deku."

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