Batman (Pt. 1)

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"Alright, we're gonna focus on Iida for this one," J said.

"Ooh, this sounds good," Iida replied.

A young Iida and his parents were walking out of a theater.

"Alright, I'll call Aizawa and tell him to bring the car around," Iida's father said. "We'll cut through this alley."

"I'm sorry, am I a chauffeur in this universe?" Aizawa asked.

"You're their butler," J replied.

"Oh, hell no!"

As they were walking through the alley, a man walked in front of them and pulled out a gun, pointing it at them.

"Gimme all your money and jewelry," he said. "Now."

Iida's mother became terrified, and starting frantically trying to take off her pearl necklace. However, the father was tensed up, looking like he was about to pounce. Iida noticed that he was curling his fists. He then leapt towards the mugger, only to get shot in the chest, stumbling backwards and falling to the ground, causing the mother to start screaming. The mugger, clearly panicking, pointed the gun at the mother and shot her as well.

"Wow, shit went from zero to a hundred real quick," Spinner said.

"Man, I'd hate to be this kid," Iida said.

"Uh, you are that kid," J replied.


Iida knelt down between his two dead parents, tears streaming down his face as the mugger ran away, and curled up into a ball.

One week later...

Iida was sitting at a table in the dining room of his mansion.

"Woah, Iida lives in a mansion?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah, he may or may not be the heir to massive fortune and a multi-billion dollar company in this universe," J replied.

At the other end of the table sat Aizawa, dressed in a three-piece suit and wearing his hair in a ponytail, watching Iida stare at the sandwich in front of him. After a few minutes, he sighed.

"Master Iida, are you gonna eat that sandwich or not?" Aizawa asked, visibly agitated.

Iida sighed and pushed his sandwich away. "I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go to my room."

As he was about to get up, Aizawa stood up. "No, what you're gonna do is sit in that chair and eat your sandwich that I spent ten minutes making, or else."

"Or else what?" Iida asked as he glared at him.

"Or else you can start making your own food, cleaning your own clothes, and dusting your own goddamn mansion," Aizawa replied.

"Damn, Aizawa's one sassy butler," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, it helps that Iida's parents are dead and Iida himself is Aizawa's ward, so no one can fire him for being a sass machine," J said.

Iida glared at him for a few seconds before relenting. "Fine." He sat back down and started eating his sandwich. After finishing, he went up to his room. As he was walking up the stairs, Aizawa called out to him.

"No more sneaking out when you think I'm asleep!"

"Whatever," Iida replied.

"Wait, so is that a recurring thing in the week his parents have been dead?" Midoriya asked.

The next day, Aizawa walked in on Iida in the gym, hitting a punching bag. Of course, since he was only 10, the bag barely moved when he hit it.

"What are you doing?" Aizawa asked, startling Iida.

"Just working out," he replied.

"You're planning on finding that thug, aren't you?" Aizawa asked.

"What? No, of course not," Iida said, obviously lying.

"Well, you're not gonna get anywhere without help," Aizawa said. "Tell you what, I'll train you."

"Wait, you can help me?" Iida asked.

"Come with me, I'll show you something," Aizawa said, walking out of the gym with Iida in tow. He led Iida to a study, and walked over to a painting covered by a cloth.

"There's something I was gonna tell you when you were older, but I think now's the best time," he said, pulling down the cloth to reveal a painting of none other than the Pro Hero Eraserhead.

"Wait, so Aizawa's still a Pro in this universe?" Iida asked.

"It's complicated," J answered.

Iida had a surprised look on his face. He turned to Aizawa. "You?!"


"You're Eraserhead?"


"But you were killed by a villain!"

"Actually, it was just a debilitating injury that made it so I couldn't jump across rooftops and fight off goons anymore."

"Well, sucks for you... me... whatever," Aizawa said.

"So... you were an actual hero," Iida said.

"Yes, indeed," Aizawa replied. "So, what do you say, Master Iida? You wanna become a hero?" He held out his fist.

Iida grinned. "Yes, I do." He extended his fist and fist-bumped Aizawa as the screen cut to black.

"Wait, so is he gonna attend a hero school now?" Midoriya asked.

"Actually, no," J said. "This is kinda complicated. Y'see, the Hero System doesn't really exist in this universe. At least, not the way it does in yours. All heroes in this universe are technically vigilantes, but they just eventually managed to get to the point where the government stopped riding their asses. Some of the Pro Heroes from your universe, like All Might, Eraserhead, Endeavor, and a bunch of others exist in this universe as the 'Justice Society'. You see what I mean?"

"Okay, I think I understand now," Midoriya replied.

"Alright, get ready, cuz the next universe ain't gonna be safe for the kiddies," J said.

"Should I be concerned?" Inko asked.

"Uh... you'll see."


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