Villain AU (Pt. 1)

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"Ooh, this is an interesting one," J said as he looked over a directory in his hands.

"What's it about?" Midoriya asked.

"And why are you holding a directory?" Yagi asked.

"Come to think of it, why is there a camera crew over there?" Nedzu asked, pointing at a group of cameraman and several other people standing at the edge of the theatre, with the cameraman awkwardly waving at them.

"Oh, uh... no reason," J awkwardly answered. "Pay no attention to the camera crew that's totally not filming your reactions so I can peddle it to an audience that's totally not real."

"I didn't consent to this," Aizawa said.

"Look, you wanna see the next goddamn universe or what?!" J asked, exasperated.

"Aren't you gonna show it to us anyway?" Iida asked.

"Yes. Yes, I am," J replied. "By the way, this next one ain't for the kiddies." He snapped his fingers, and Eri disappeared off to the playroom. "Let's get started."

Principal Nedzu walked into a room, where three men in military uniforms were waiting at a table.

"Greetings, gentlemen," Nedzu said as he sat down. "Thank you for joining me today."

"This better be good, Nedzu," one of the men responded.

"Oh, I assure you, it is," Nedzu replied. He pulled out seven files in manilla folders and set them down on the table.

"I'm already confused," Kaminari said.

"Don't worry, everything will be explained in a bit," J replied.

"What exactly do you want?" another man asked.

Nedzu paused before answering. "I don't know about you, but it's become apparent to me that Pro Heroes... well, they aren't very useful at handling jobs as... sensitive as this one." He pulled out another file and put it on the table, opening it to reveal a picture of Overhaul.

"Oh, not this asshole again," Mirio said, rolling his eyes.

"Kai Chisaki," Nedzu began. "Codename: Overhaul. A high-ranking agent of the Yakuza and leader of an anti-Quirk terrorist sect known as the Shie Hassaikai. According to rumors, he has supposedly created a way to remove a person's Quirk."

The three men accompanying him looked at each other. "So what's your suggestion?" one of them asked him.

Nedzu grinned. "I'm glad you asked." He started sorting through the files. "I'm sure you've heard of the Sinister Seven, right?"

"Sinister Seven?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Just keep watching," J replied.

"They're quite interesting, actually," Nedzu continued. "Seven Quirkless criminals who managed to become the most dangerous criminals in all of Japan."

"You're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting, are you?" one of the men asked.

Nedzu's grin widened. He opened one of the files to reveal a picture of Midoriya. "Izuku Midoriya. Codename: Sniper. A world-class marksman who's never failed a single mission. His nickname: 'The man who never misses'."

"So I'm a hitman in this universe?" Midoriya asked.

"Yep," J replied.

Izuku Midoriya was seen standing atop a building, wearing a black bodysuit and an eyepiece over his right eye. He was talking into a phone, with the PayPal app open. As he looked down and saw a man exiting a car, he started addressing the man on the other end.

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