Unbreakable (Pt. 1)

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"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, what you guys are about to see is a classic tale of good and evil, and by classic, I mean it's gonna some severe whiplash by the time it's over," J responded.

A woman was giving birth in the back of a department store, with the caption reading "Philadelphia, PA, December 21, 1961."

"Damn, we're going way back," Kirishima said.

After the woman, a man came into the room, claiming to be a doctor. He asked to see the baby, and the mother handed the baby to him. However, as he looked over the baby, a look of concern crossed the doctor's face.

"Oh damn, something's wrong with the baby," Yaoyorozu said.

"Other than the fact that it's an Asian baby born during segregation, thus dooming it to a life of racial discrimination?" David asked.

"I mean, besides that," Yaoyorozu replied.

The doctor looked over to the mother. "Ma'am, did you drop this baby?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm sorry, what?" Todoroki asked.

"Take it from a mother: 'Did you drop this baby?' is something no mother ever wants to hear immediately after giving birth," Inko said.

"No..." the mother responded. "Why?"

The doctor paused for a moment before answering, almost as if contemplating what he should say. "This baby's arms and legs are broken."

"Holy shit!!!" Bakugou exclaimed.

"Of all the things I was expecting, a baby that's already broken all of its limbs was not on that list," Melissa said.

It then cut to twelve years later, as a young Shinsou sat in the living room, staring at a TV, with his arm in a cast.

"Shinsou?" Midoriya asked.

"Why is my arm broken?" the purple-haired student asked.

"You'll find out eventually," J answered.

After a few seconds, the woman from the previous scene entered the room.

"Y'know, you really should be more careful," the woman said to him. "That's the third bone you've broken this month."

"I'm sorry, what?" Kaminari asked.

"Okay, I know y'all are gonna go crazy wondering about this, so I'm gonna spoil it for you right now: this version of Shinsou suffers from a genetic disease called Osteogenesis imperfecta," J clarified.

"Oh, I've heard about that," Yaoyorozu replied. "Isn't that the one that makes your bones super fragile?"

"Yep," J answered. "It's not easy to live with."

"I know," Shinsou responded to his mother's statement.

"I left you a present," Ms. Shinsou told him. "I left it on a bench in the basketball court next door. You better go get it before another kid steals it."

"Wow, she's so desperate to get him to go outside that she literally has to bribe him," Todoroki said, surprised.

"Well, his bones are practically made of glass, so of course he's gonna try to avoid going outside as much as possible," J replied.

Shinsou got up from his place on the couch and walked over to the window, which overlooked a basketball court across the street. Almost a dozen kids were playing basketball, and Shinsou could see a purple rectangle with a bow on it, sitting on a bench on the sidelines.

It then cut to Shinsou slowly approaching the present, limping slightly. He carefully sat down next to it and grabbed it, gingerly tearing off the wrapping to reveal a comic book, with the title, "The Slayer vs. Jaguaro!"

"I don't get it, which one's the superhero?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, I'll admit, 'The Slayer' isn't the best name for a superhero," J replied, not quite answering.

As Shinsou looked over the comic with a sense of wonder, his mother sat down next to him. As she looked over his shoulder, a small smile graced her face.

"Y'know, I heard there's a surprise villain at the end of this one," she said.

"Ugh, Shyamalan, we get it! You like putting twists in your movies," J said jokingly.

"I don't get it," Uraraka replied.

"Y'know, M. Night Shyamalan? The director? Of the movie? That this universe is based on?" J asked.

"I still don't know who he is," Iida answered.

"Alright, so he's this director who does a lot of mediocre films that usually have a twist at the end," J clarified. "I don't really feel like explaining his entire career. Lemme give you the really abridged version: uh, the trees did it, the aliens are weak to water, and, uh, 'Ah-vatar'."

"Don't you mean 'Avatar'?" All Might asked.

"Heh, not if you ask Shyamalan," J answered, chuckling.

27 years later, Kirishima was riding a train. He glanced at the woman who was putting her bag in the compartment above her seat, and slyly removed the wedding ring from his finger, putting it in his pocket.

"Wait, I'm married in this universe?" Kirishima asked.

"Clearly, it's not a happy marriage," Kaminari added.

The woman sat down next to him, and he decided to start up a conversation. "So, where are you from?" he asked.

"Oh, um... New York," she answered.

"So, uh... if you need someone to show you 'round Philadelphia, y'know..."

"Oh... I'm married." She held up her left hand, showing a glistening wedding ring on her ring finger.

The audience burst into laughter.

"Oh man, don't you just hate when you're trying to cheat on your wife, and the woman you proposition turns out to also be married?" Mineta asked before he continued laughing.

Kirishima folded his arms. "It's not that funny," he murmured.

Kirishima looked away in embarrassment as the woman moved to another seat. He looked at the seats in front of him, and saw a young child peeking at him from between the seats.

"Oh my God, someone actually witnessed his spectacular failure!" Kaminari exclaimed, bursting into laughter with the rest of the audience.

"Oh, shut up," Kirishima muttered, still folding his arms.

Kirishima looked out the window, noticing that the train seemed to be speeding up. He looked around as the lights started blinking. It then cut to black.

A young girl with dark purple hair was seen sitting on the couch, watching the news. Her eyes widened as she saw that the "Eastrail 177" train had derailed. She looked over at the fridge and saw a note on the fridge, saying "Eastrail 177."

"Oh, snap!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Wait, who the hell is this?"

"A character from the Next Gen universe who hasn't been introduced yet," J answered. "Anyway, I think that's a good place to end." He was met with a chorus of groans from the audience. "Oh, quit bellyaching!"


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