Getting Drunk

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A/N: So, as far as I know, this is an original skit of mine that hasn't appeared in any movies or tv shows, although I did draw some inspiration from How I Met Your Mother, in an episode where Lily and Robin were talking about how Marshall behaved depending on what he gets drunk on.

"Ooh, this is a good one," J said.

"What's it about?" Iida asked.

"It's basically you guys talking about how you act when you're drunk."

"But we're not old enough to drink," Midoriya countered.

"Don't worry, you're all adults in this one. By the way, this one ain't appropriate for Eri, so you know the drill." J snapped his fingers, and Eri once again disappeared.

Midoriya, Iida, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou, and Mineta were all sitting around, lazing about, when Kaminari decided to break the silence.

"So, you guys wanna hit the bar?" Kaminari asked.

"No thanks, I don't wanna be anywhere near you when you get shitfaced," Mineta replied. He then flashed back to the last time they went out drinking.

Kaminari was clearly drunk, and kept talking to Mineta despite the shorter boy trying his best to ignore him.

Kaminari: "Hey, hey Mineta, hey, hey, Mineta!"

Mineta: "What do you want now?"

Kaminari: (whispers) "I am so hard right now."

"Ugh, dude, what the fuck?! Why would you tell me that?!" Mineta asked.

"That's not me, okay?! It's just a different version of me!"

Mineta: (looks at Kaminari) "Why would you tell me that?"

Kaminari: (now shedding tears of joy, hugs Mineta) "Because you're my best friend in the whole world!"

Mineta: (also shedding tears of joy) "Aw, you're my best friend, too!"

"Awwww," everyone said.

Kaminari: "Alright, I'm tired."

Kaminari then passed out, with a large tent in his pants, and Mineta could only stare with his jaw dropped and his eyes wide open.

"Well, if it's that big, then he probably passed out cuz he's not getting enough blood flow to his brain," Shinsou said.

Mineta then turned around to see Jirou and Ashido both staring at Kaminari with wide eyes, with Ashido even lowering the sunglasses she was wearing.

Cut back to the present.

Kaminari: "C'mon, I didn't even poke you that time."

"‘That time’? Hold up, how many times has this happened, and how many times has he poked me?" Mineta asked.

Shinsou chimed in.

Shinsou: "Besides, it's better than when you're drunk."

He flashed back to Mineta sitting in front of an alley cat, staring into its eyes. The alley cat then meowed at him.

Mineta: "Wow, that's so deep."

Shinsou walked around the corner.

Shinsou: "There you are! We gotta go!"

Mineta then turned around and hissed at him like a cat.

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