Snyder Cut (Pt. 1)

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"Alright, so it seems we won't be listening to any songs at the moment," J said. "I've got something even better."

"What is it?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, the basic gist is that Iida, Yaoyorozu, Bakugou, Kaminari, and Kirishima are trying to save the world from an alien warlord named Steppenwolf, and also Midoriya's dead."

"Wait, why am I dead?" Midoriya asked.

"Eh, it was just a giant alien monster covered in spikes, nothing too important," J said, waving his hands.

"Wait, what?" Inko asked.

"Anyway, so in this first scene, terrorists are attacking a museum in London."

A group of men in black coats were exiting a white van, heading up the steps to a museum. One of the men grabbed the security guard at the entrance and shot him before entering. The leader, a man wearing a fedora pulled out a gun and fired a shot into the air, causing everyone to scream and run for cover.

"I don't trust a bearded man who wears a fedora," Mineta said. "Keep him away from the schoolgirls!"

"I don't get it," Todoroki said.

The man walked up a flight of stairs, where a group of students was on a field trip. He and his men pointed guns at the screaming students, forcing them against a wall.

"Fuck me, a bearded man in a fedora and a trenchcoat is threatening a bunch of schoolgirls," Kaminari muttered.

The leader pulled out a suitcase and put it on a nearby table, opening it to reveal a bomb. Everyone began to panic upon seeing the explosive, and he set the timer for 5 minutes before walking over to a window. He saw several police cars outside, and tipped his hat to them.

"M'lady," Mineta said in an exaggerated neckbeard voice while mimicking the hat-tipping gesture, causing Kaminari and Ashido to start laughing.

"Seriously, I don't get it," Todoroki said.

Meanwhile, one of the terrorists was standing guard in the lobby, only to be caught by a golden lasso and yanked upward, where Wonder Woman (Yaoyorozu) was standing on a ledge.

"What are you doing here?" she interrogated.

"Ay, there I am!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

The terrorist started laughing instead of answering her question. "You're too late. It's already begun."

"What's already begun, and why are you being so cryptic?" Midoriya asked.

The terrorist leader was setting up the bomb when Wonder Woman crashed through the door, causing all of them to turn around. One of the men fired at her, but she dodged the bullet in slow motion. She then proceeded to plow through all the men, throwing them into walls.

"Ha, get fucked," Jirou said.

"Those guys are definitely dead," Kaminari added.

"Not gonna lie, this background music is bitchin'," Mineta said.

The terrorist leader pulled out a small gun as Wonder Woman grabbed the bomb and flew through the roof. The terrorist leader then proceeded to fire several bullets through the hole in the roof.

"Yeah, that little peashooter is totally gonna take out the super-strong warrior woman that just plowed through your entire team," Jirou said sarcastically.

Wonder Woman flew high into the air before tossing the bomb upwards. It exploded high above the skyline, and the force caused her to be blown back downwards.

Inside the museum, the terrorist leader looked up at the hole in the roof in dismay, before turning his attention to the hostages. He grabbed a submachine gun and pointed it at the hostages, causing them to start screaming. He smirked as he pulled the trigger, firing a single bullet at a hostage to his left. However, Wonder Woman dropped through the roof and blocked the bullet with her bracelet.

The terrorist leader frowned and squeezed the trigger, sending a spray of bullets towards the hostages, Wonder Woman sprinted across the room, deflecting each bullet until the gun was empty.

"Hot damn," Jirou said.

The terrorist leader looked shocked as Wonder Woman slowly walked toward him.

"I don't believe it," he said.

"Believe it," she responded.

As he attempted to reload, she slammed her bracelets together, having absorbed the force from all the bullets. The result was a massive explosion that blew out the entire wall behind the terrorist leader. The only thing left was his fedora, which floated down to the street below.

"Remember, kids: there's no kill like overkill," Mineta said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could've just tackled the guy out that window or something," Yaoyorozu added.

"Alright, in this next scene, Steppenwolf, the guy I mentioned earlier, is searching for these artifacts called 'Mother Boxes', and one of them is on this island called Themyscira, which is populated entirely by women," J said.

"Populated entirely by women, you say?" Mineta asked.

"Anyway, Steppenwolf wants to use the Mother Boxes to terraform Earth for his master, All For One."

"Why the hell would I wanna terraform the planet?" All For One asked.

"Because you're an alien in this universe. Or... some kinda god, I think? I dunno, it's kinda confusing. Point is, you wanna terraform the planet and enslave the entire universe because... god of evil or something. Alright, let's get into this."


Alright, sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, but I need to get this chapter out now or I'll just keep procrastinating. So, I'm going to dedicate the next six or so chapters to all the fight scenes in the Snyder Cut. Sorry for the long wait.

Edit: This may be disappointing to a lot of you, but the next chapter will not be the cast reacting to more of the Snyder Cut. The reason is because I'm writing a sequel to this story where the cast reacts to superhero movies and tv shows, which includes the Snyder Cut, and I think it would be better for the story if they react to the full movie instead of random scenes. So, the next chapter will be something completely different.

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