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"Alright, who's ready to hear another villain song?" J asked after bringing Eri back to the theater.

"What's it about?" Yaoyorozu asked.

J sucked in air through his teeth. "It's... complicated. I should give some context. It's a song from a movie called 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. The movie is about a hunchback who lives in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, and this song is sung by the film's villain, Judge Frollo. Basically, he's, um... for lack of a more family-friendly word, let's just say he's pining after a gypsy named Esmeralda."

"Is this really appropriate for kids?" Mirio asked.

"I mean... it's Disney. But Eri might be a little uncomfortable with this one, considering who's playing Frollo." J snapped his fingers, and a picture of Overhaul dressed as Frollo appeared on the screen. Instantly, Midoriya, Mirio, and the villains scowled at the screen, while Eri buried her face in Mirio's shirt.

"I hate this guy already," Midoriya said, not even bothering to hide his contempt.

"Good. You're supposed hate him," J replied.


Beata Maria,

You know I am a righteous man.

Of my virtue I am justly proud.

(Et tibit pater)

Beata Maria,

You know I'm so much purer than

The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd!

(Quia peccavi nimis)

"What the hell does any of that even mean?" Shigaraki asked.

"It's Latin," J replied.

Then tell me, Maria,

Why I see her dancing there?

Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?


I feel her, I see her,

The sun caught in her raven hair

Is blazing in me out of all control!

(Verbo et opere)

"Y'know, it's starting to veer into creepy territory," Kaminari said.

"Would you be more or less creeped out if I told you that Esmeralda is Yaoyorozu?" J asked.

"Ew, what the fu--?!" Yaoyorozu started, until Uraraka cut her off.

"Ahem, there is a child present," she said.

Like fire!


This fire in my skin!

This burning desire

Is turning me to sin!

It's not my fault!

(Mea culpa)

I'm not to blame!

(Mea culpa)

It was the gypsy girl, the witch who sent this flame!

(Mea maxima culpa)

"Ah, classic politicians... always deflecting the blame," All Might said.

It's not my fault!

(Mea culpa)

If in God's plan

(Mea culpa)

He made the Devil so much stronger than a man!

Protect me, Maria!

Don't let this siren cast her spell!

Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone!

Destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of hell!

Or else let her be mine and mine alone!

"Not gonna lie, his singing voice is so mesmerizing that I almost forgot the song was about getting his rocks off to a gypsy," Jirou said.

(Enter GUARD)


Sir, the gypsy has escaped.


What? But how --? Nevermind. Get out you idiot!

(Exit GUARD)


I will find her... I will find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!


Dark fire!

Now gypsy, it's your turn!

Choose me or your pyre!

Be mine or you will burn!

God have mercy on her...

God have mercy on me...

But she will be mine or




"Hot damn, that final note!" Jirou exclaimed.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm thoroughly uncomfortable," Midoriya said. "So, what'll the next one be?"

"Uh, let's see..." J started as he checked the itinerary that mysteriously appeared in his hand. "Looks like we'll be watching a comedic skit after our break."


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