Street Fighter (Pt. 1)

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"Ooh, this is an interesting one," J said.

"What's so interesting about it?" Bakugou asked.

"Oh, you'll see," J replied ominously.

Midoriya was seen walking through a field. He was wearing what appeared to be a white karate gi with no sleeves, a black belt, red fingerless gloves, no shoes, and a red cloth tied around his forehead.

He walked until he came to a familiar figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the field. It was Muscular, wearing nothing but gym shorts, training tape around his hands and feet, and an eye-patch over his missing eye.

"Oh no..." Midoriya said.

"Don't worry," J started. "Muscular's not nearly as powerful in this universe as he is in yours."

"So," Midoriya started, "you must be Sagat, the Emperor of Muay Thai."

Sagat grinned. "And you must be Ryu, the Wandering Warrior." He stood up and turned around to face Ryu. "I assume you've come to test your might against me?"

Ryu nodded. "The only way to become stronger is to fight the best of the best."

"Very well, then. Show me what you got!"

"So this is just a series about martial artists fighting each other?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Well, it's a little more complicated than that..." J said. "You'll see what I mean in a bit."

The two assumed fighting stances and rushed at each other. Their attacks were a flurry of kicks and punches. At one point, Sagat uppercutted Ryu into the air, yelling "Tiger Uppercut!"

"I'm sorry, but 'Tiger Uppercut'?" Midoriya asked.

"Oh yeah, everyone names their attacks in this universe," J clarified.

Ryu then returned fire with a spinning hurricane kick that hit Sagat in the face three times, while Ryu yelled what sounded like gibberish.

"I'm sorry, the fuck did he just say?" Shigaraki asked.

The clip played again and Ryu once again yelled gibberish.

"Yeah, can you play that, like, one more time?" Uraraka asked.

The clip played once again and once again, Ryu yelled gibberish.

"I give up, what the hell is he saying?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, technically, he should be saying..." J paused for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper and looking at it. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku," J said slowly.

"Spinning Hurricane Kick?" All Might asked.

"Yeah, it's just that he says it really fast, so it comes out as gibberish."

Sagat put his hands together and launched a fireball at Ryu, yelling "Tiger Blast!" Ryu then returned fire by launching a blue fireball that hit Sagat square in the chest, yelling "Hadoken!"

"Wait, they can shoot fireballs now?" Todoroki asked.

"It's best not to question it," J said.

Sagat powered through the fireball and kicked Ryu multiple times before knocking him to the ground.

"I knew it," he said. "You're not strong enough to beat me. Come back when you're stronger."

However, Ryu looked up with rage in his eyes.

"Man, I didn't know Midoriya was capable of looking so angry," Kaminari said.

He jumped up and mercilessly beat down on Sagat with a barrage of punches and kicks before drop-kicking him backwards. While Sagat was staggering, Ryu rushed at him, and clenched his fist, which started heating up. With a mighty cry, he uppercutted Sagat into the air, somehow tearing open his chest in the process.


Sagat fell to the ground, bleeding heavily from a diagonal gash on his torso.

"Wait, how did he cut open his chest if he uppercutted him?" Jirou asked.

"Like I said, it's best not to question it," J answered.

Ryu stood there, panting, before turning around and walking away, leaving Sagat to get up on his own and limp away.

"He just left him there?!" Shigaraki exclaimed. "That's cold, even by my standards."

"Well, that's the end of that," J said. "Get ready, 'cause we're gonna revisit the previous universe."

"I wonder what I'm like in that universe," Shigaraki wondered.


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