Mortal Kombat (Pt. 1)

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"Alright, before we start, this is definitely not something Eri can watch, so I'm gonna send her to a playroom in the theater where she can play around while we watch it," J said, snapping his fingers, which caused Eri to vanish, much to the surprise of Midoriya and the Big Three. "Don't worry, she'll be perfectly safe, and I'll bring her right back here after we're done."

"So, what exactly are we gonna be watching?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Oh, it's gonna be awesome. Heads being ripped off, intestines being torn out, blood splattering everywhere as the world's greatest martial artists fight for the fate of the world, all to some really intense techno music," J said.

"Is it weird that I'm already excited?" Toga asked.

He got up and pointed at Shigaraki. "You! You can steal souls and shapeshift!" He pointed at Midoriya. "You can shoot fireballs and turn into a dragon!" He pointed at Yaoyorozu. "You're a 10,000-year-old princess who fights with fucking fans!" He pointed at Bakugou. "You're an undead ninja who can breathe fire!" He pointed at All Might. "You're a literal god who can shoot lightning!" He pointed at Kirishima. "And you! You just really like punching dudes in the dick!" He turned back to the screen and thrust both his arms in the air. "Are! You! Ready?!"

Everyone was silent, and very, very, confused. "I guess?" Inko said, unsure of herself.

"Awesome," J replied, sitting back down.

An older looking Shigaraki and a teenage Kouta stood facing each other on a platform, while a storm raged in the background. Kouta was wearing orange pants and a long-sleeved orange shirt, while Shigaraki was wearing a black overcoat with embroidered symbols on it (picture Shang Tsung from the Mortal Kombat movie).

"Hey, is that Kouta?" Midoriya asked.

"Hey, don't get too attached," J replied.

Kouta yelled and rushed towards Shigaraki and tried to kick him, but Shigaraki blocked it. They fought for a few minutes before Shigaraki managed to get the upper hand, knocking Kouta to the ground. He tried to crawl away, only for Shigaraki to stomp on his back with a sickening crunch, causing him to scream in agony.

"Ouch," Midoriya said.

Shigaraki picked up Kouta by his hair and pointed directly at the camera.

"Your brother's soul is mine," he said in a vaguely Chinese accent.

"Liu!!!" Kouta exclaimed.

"You will be next," Shigaraki finished. He dropped Kouta and his face became that of a skeleton as the camera zoomed into his empty eye socket, shrieking.

"What the fuck?!" Midoriya exclaimed.

Midoriya then woke up in his bedroom, screaming. He was wearing a white tank top and black pants. He got out of bed and picked up a telegram, reading it.

Liu. Brother dead. Come home.

"Wait, so I'm Liu?" Midoriya asked.

Midoriya, or rather Liu, was walking up the steps of a Shaolin temple, now wearing a jacket over his tank top. He walked up to one of the monks and bowed to him.

"Walk with me, Liu," the monk said. As Liu began walking with him, the monk began explaining the situation. "Chan was killed by the demon sorcerer Shang Tsung, who was attempting to cripple us. But he failed, for we still have you."

"What are you saying?" Liu asked.

The monk turned to him. "Liu Kang, we need you to represent the White Lotus Society in the Mortal Kombat Tournament."

"What the hell is he talking about?" Midoriya asked.

"Don't worry, it'll all be explained in due time," J said.

Midoriya hesitated for a second before looking at the monk with determination in his eyes. "I'll do it."

The scene cut to the inside of a warehouse, where Kirishima walked in, dressed in a three-piece suit and sunglasses. He walked towards four men, all holding weapons.

"Woah, am I some kind of super-spy in this universe or something?" Kirishima asked.

"Well... something like that," J replied.

The men rushed at him, but he soundly beat them. However, the last man kept getting back up when Kirishima kept knocking him down. Kirishima groaned, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the man.

"This is the part where you fall down," he said, after which the man immediately laid down on the ground.

"Cut!" the director shouted, as Kirishima began walking off the set.

"Wait, so I'm just an actor?" Kirishima asked.

"Yep," J replied.

"Johnny, where ya goin'?" the director asked.

"I'm outta here!" Kirishima, or "Johnny", replied. "I'm gonna go to my trailer and fucking hang myself for agreeing to be in this stupid movie!"

"Well, someone's a bit of a prima donna," Mineta said.

Johnny was walking off the set when he saw someone sitting in a chair labeled "Mr. Cage", reading a magazine with an article titled, "Johnny Cage, Hollywood's Biggest Fake?"

"Hey, buddy, you're sitting in my chair," Johnny said, annoyed.

The man lowered the magazine to reveal an old man with a beard. "Hello, Johnny," he said.

Johnny stopped in his tracks and bowed to the man. "Master Boyd," he said respectfully.

"So what's all this crap about you being a fake?" Boyd asked.

"Hollywood just can't handle an actor that's good at martial arts," Johnny replied.

"Well, I've got a solution," he said, pulling out a scroll. "There's a tournament, held once every generation, where the best of the best fight each other. If you win that tournament, your opponents will see you as the real deal, and they'll spread the word. The address is on this scroll." He handed the scroll to Johnny, who grinned.

"Thanks, Master Boyd," he said, walking away.

"Anytime, Johnny," Master Boyd replied. He walked away with a devious grin on his face, before becoming surrounded by green light, which then dissipated, revealing Shigaraki, or rather, "Shang Tsung".

"Damn, Shang Tsung's already getting antsy," Kaminari said.

"Alright, that's all for now," J said, causing everybody to groan. "Right, I should probably bring Eri back." He snapped his fingers, and Eri instantly appeared in her seat.

"Alright, get ready, cuz the next one will be another song," J said.


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