George Carlin - Sports

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"Stand-up, huh?" Aizawa asked.

"Yep," J responded. "Any of you ever heard of George Carlin?"

"Who?" Inko asked.

"That's not good," J muttered. "So none of you know this guy?"

"Eh, he must be before my time," All Might said, shrugging.

J stared at him in disbelief. "Before your -- how old are you?!"


"Seriously?" J pulled out his phone and opened up Google. A few minutes later, his eyes widened. "Damn, you're younger than I thought you were."

"How old did you think I was?!"

"All For One! You're over 100 years old, surely you've at least heard of this guy," J said, ignoring All Might's question.

"I mean, I'm vaguely familiar with the name," AFO replied.

"Goddammit, I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain it," J muttered, rubbing his face. "Alright, so he's a comedian, obviously, and he basically just rants about society and stuff like that."

"Ooh," Shigaraki replied, clearly intrigued.

"Not like that! Basically, this one'll be him ranting about sports."

"Why is he ranting about sports?" Iida asked.

"Well... nah, I don't wanna spoil it. By the way, I should probably send Eri back to the playroom. It's not exactly 'family-friendly'." He snapped his fingers, and Eri once again disappeared. "Alright, let's watch!"

George Carlin (All Might) was standing on a stage, in front of a massive audience, holding a microphone in his hand.

"Oh, it's All Might?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, and boy, are you never gonna look at him the same way after this," J replied.

"Yeah, I'm just gettin' a little water, y'know?" Carlin said in a Brooklyn accent. "Just gettin' a little water."

He picked up a glass of water on a nearby table, and took a few gulps before setting it back down and sighing. "The swallow flipper is working, I'm happy to say."

"I'd like to talk a little bit about sports. Sports are very big in this country. I am a sports fan."

Immediately, the audience started clapping.

"He hasn't told a single joke yet, why the hell are they clapping?" Bakugou asked.

"Yes, thank you. Yes, I know a lot of people feel... positive about sports. As I say, I'm not -- I'm not a fanatic about sports, but I'm not a casual observer either. I, uh, was watching ESPN today, which I'm very thankful for, by the way. All sorts of things they show on ESPN. Today, they had some swimming that was interesting. The women's was the 200-meter breast-stroke. Well, I'd never seen a woman with 200-meter breasts, so I was really interested."

"Heh, I like this guy already," Mineta said.

"Well, I'll tell ya this: I'm enough of a sports fan that I suggest -- I have some rule changes I would like to suggest. I think there are some changes we could make in certain sports that would make them more exciting, y'know?"

"Go on," Dabi said, leaning forward.

"Like in football, I would let all 45 guys play at the same time."

Almost everyone in the theater was confused.

"Now, I'm not much of a sports fan, but I don't think there are 45 players in a football game," Kaminari said.

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