The Truth

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"Fun fact: did you know the creator of Wonder Woman also invented the polygraph?" J asked.

"He did?" Uraraka asked.

"Wait, what does that have to do with this next one?" Iida asked.

"You'll see."

Class 1-A was lounging around in the dorm common room when Ashido walked in, holding something behind her back.

"Hey guys, guess what I found?" Ashido asked, causing everyone to look up.

"I swear to God, Ashido, if it's another alley cat..." Iida growled.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean ‘another’?" Midoriya asked.

"Relax, it's even better," Ashido said, pulling out what looked like a golden lasso.

"Oh, I think I know where this is going," Uraraka said.

"What's that?" Midoriya asked.

"Hatsume said it's some kind of truth device," Ashido replied. "Apparently, if you use it on someone, they're forced to honestly answer any questions you ask them."

"Ooh, now that's an idea!" Hatsume exclaimed, whipping out a notepad.

"And she just let you take this thing that could have potentially disastrous effects?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Well, I may have nicked it when she turned her back," Ashido replied.

"Unbelievable," Iida muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What the hell is going on?" Aizawa asked as he walked into the common room with a cup of coffee.

"Oh, Mr. Aizawa! Right on time!" Ashido exclaimed. "We're gonna use this truth thingy on one of our classmates."

"Absolutely not!" Iida exclaimed.

"Actually, I think this could be a good way to build trust," Aizawa said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"You can't be serious!" Iida shouted indignantly.

"I mean... he has a point," Yaoyorozu said.

"Terrific!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Ooh, me first!" Tsuyu exclaimed, grabbing the lasso. She scanned the class before her eyes settled on a certain grape-haired boy.

Mineta looked up to see Tsuyu smirking while holding the lasso, and his eyes widening.

"Oh, I don't like where this is going," Mineta said.

"No! Absolutely not!" he exclaimed.

"Too late," Tsuyu replied, tying the lasso around Mineta.

"Shit! Get me out of this thing!" Mineta started struggling.

"Mineta, what's one thing you don't want anyone else to know?" Tsuyu asked.

Mineta was visible straining before giving in. "I masturbate 8 times a day!"

"Gross," Jirou said.

"Oh please, anyone could've guessed that," Ashido said.

"Most of the time, I'm thinking about Kaminari and Midoriya!" Mineta added, still visibly straining.

"Excuse me?" Midoriya asked.

Everyone in the class looked at Mineta with shocked expressions.

"Excuse me?" Ashido asked.

"I'm sorry, but they're just so hot! Fuckin' walking around the locker room with no clothes on, it makes me confused, and I don't like it! I want them inside of me at the same time!"

"Dude, TMI!" Kaminari asked.

Kaminari grabbed the lasso from Tsuyu. "Mineta, this is important! What are you imagining?!" Kaminari asked.

Mineta glared at him before taking in a deep breath. "I want you both to --"

He then launched into a list of the myriad of things he wanted Kaminari and Midoriya to do to him, which came out as a long, drawn-out bleep. During this, Kaminari's grin turned to a look of abject horror, Uraraka slapped her hands over Midoriya's ears, and Aizawa's eyes widened as his jaw dropped.

"God, was it that bad?" Mineta asked.

When Mineta finished, he slumped over before sitting back up, gasping for air.

"Oh God, I blacked out! How many details did I reveal?"

"Too many," Jirou whispered.

"Y'know what? This was probably a bad idea," Ashido said, removing the lasso as Mineta started crying.

She then turned to Midoriya. "You look innocent, let's try it on you."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Midoriya said.

She wrapped it around Midoriya. "So, how many times do you masturbate?"

"Why do you need to know that?!" Midoriya asked.

"10 times a day," Midoriya responded, his face turning red.

"Good Lord," Iida whispered.

However, before Ashido could ask another question, Midoriya began quickly pouring out info, his eyes completely glossed over.

"I have a crush on Uraraka. I think Mr. Aizawa looks hot with a ponytail. I have a fetish for thigh-high socks. I want Todoroki inside of me."

"Jesus Christ, Midoriya!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Also, thigh-high socks? Really?" Ashido asked.

"Okay, that's enough!" Aizawa shouted, pulling the lasso off of Midoriya, who quickly retreated into a fetal position.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa, do you have a crush on anyone?" Ashido asked.

"Present Mic," Aizawa said before realizing he was still holding on to the lasso. "Goddammit! Gimme that thing!"

He yanked it out of Ashido's hands. "I'm taking this back to Hatsume. Ashido, you're on probation for a month."

"Aw man!"

"Now if you'll excuse me, I should probably also take Midoriya and Mineta over to Hound Dog, since you probably traumatized them."

"I feel like I should clarify that none of what I said was true," Mineta said.


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