Why I Shouldn't Be a Counselor at UA Part 2

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"Alright, now you'll be seeing more of me as a counselor at UA," J said.

Aizawa walked in to J's office, looking agitated.

"Why is he so angry?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh, Eraser, is there something you need from me?" J asked.

"Y'know, I already have to deal with 20 students, I shouldn't have to worry about the staff," he said.

"I'm confused."

"What's your job here?"

"That sounds like a trick question."

"You're a counselor, correct?"

"I mean, it's literally on the door to my office."

"And would you say you've been counseling my students?"

"I mean, I think I'm doing a good job."

"Lemme read off some of the things you've been saying to them. You told Iida to ‘take it slow’..."

"Heh, I get it," Kaminari said.

"Perfectly solid advice," J replied.

"You told Tokoyami to ‘lighten up’..."

"I mean, someone had to tell him."

"You told Yaoyorozu to change her hero costume..."

"I'm just saying, it could lead to some problems."

"How could my costume lead to problems?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Everyone turned to look at her, causing her to turn red. "Yeah, that's fair."

"And you told Bakugou to ‘stop being a douche’," Aizawa finished.

"Hey!" Bakugou exclaimed.

"I just thought ‘asshole’ was a little harsh," J replied.

"It doesn't matter, you're an adult."

"Look, someone needed to be honest with that kid and tell him to stop being a douche!"

"I was working on it," Aizawa growled.

"Clearly, you weren't working hard enough." Aizawa's scarf then wrapped around J's neck, and he started choking. "I-I'm sorry, it was a joke, I didn't mean it!"

"That's what happens to those who question my teaching skills," Aizawa grinned.

Midoriya opened the door to J's office.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Counselor?" he asked.

"Yes, come in," J replied, sipping some coffee. "So, Aizawa told me you fought Bakugou last night."

"Oh, I remember that!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Who won?" Iida asked.

"I did," Bakugou replied.

"It was a draw," Midoriya said at the same time.

Midoriya sighed, looking down at the ground. "Yeah..."

"Look, Midoriya, you can't just kick the shit outta someone, even if it's Bakugou. Trust me, I don't like him either, but I can't just kick his ass."

"Because you're a responsible adult?"

"What? No, it's because I don't have an effective way to counter his Quirk."

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