It Was Me, Deku!

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Content warning: the N-word is going to appear in this chapter. There will be a warning beforehand, and it will not be used as an insult. You have been warned. Also, yes, I have the pass.

"Alright, so in this universe, Midoriya is a speedster hero known as 'The Flash,' and Shigaraki is his archenemy, the Reverse-Flash," J said. "I should also mention that the Reverse-Flash isn't actually the Shigaraki you know, but his descendant who traveled back in time and changed his appearance."

"So, did I do something that pissed off his entire bloodline or something?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, it's really complicated, but he was basically a massive fanboy of the Flash who replicated the accident that gave him his powers and literally ran backwards through time."

"How do you run backwards through time?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Eh... something, something, lightspeed, I don't know. Anyway, he traveled to the past, several years after the Flash had already died, and found out he was destined to become the Flash's greatest enemy, so he went insane and decided to really lean into it, going back in time and killing Midoriya's mother and framing his father for it."

"Oh my God!" Inko exclaimed.

"Yeah, and so he's basically just been traveling through time and causing minor inconveniences to make Midoriya's life miserable without directly killing him, like pushing him down a flight of stairs to break his arm, or leaving the patio door open so his pet dog runs out and gets hit by a car."

"But why not just kill him like a normal person?" Shigaraki asked, growing annoyed.

"Because if Midoriya never becomes the Flash, then the Reverse-Flash ceases to exist, so he settles for doing really petty and stupid shit."

Shigaraki, dressed in the traditional Reverse-Flash outfit, stands over Midoriya, dressed in the classic Flash costume, in the middle of a wasteland of rubble. Midoriya has a piece of rebar sticking out of his leg.

"Go back to your own time, Shigaraki," Midoriya growled before pulling the rebar out of his leg with a grunt of pain.

"The only reason that I'm still here beating on you is because Demigah gave you the N-word pass," Shigaraki retorted. "And I want it."

"Wait, I'm confused, who's Demigah and what the hell is an 'N-word pass'?" Midoriya asked.

~~~~~Content Warning: N-Word Incoming~~~~~

"Demigah's a YouTuber who makes videos where he gives fictional characters the N-word pass," J replied. "The N-word is nigga, by the way."

Immediately, the whole room became chaotic.

"Whoa, man, you can't say that!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're not even black!" Mineta added.

"Everyone, calm down!" J shouted, forced to raise his voice to be heard. "I have the pass!"

Once the room settled down, J couldn't resist the opportunity. "Besides, Japanese people say it all the time, so I think I'm safe."

"Oh, you motherfucker!" Bakugou retorted while David, Melissa, All Might, Pony, Rin, Snipe, and Aoyama struggled to hold in their laughter.

"What are you talking about?" Midoriya asked. "I never had the pass. Demigah said I'd feel too guilty to say it."

"You see, that's where you're wrong, Deku," Shigaraki replied. "In the future, Professor N-Pass had a change of heart after watching Zack Snyder's Justice League, and he gave you the pass and not me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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