Why I Shouldn't Be a Counselor at UA Part 4

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"Alright, I will once again be returning as a counselor," J said.

J and Uraraka were sitting across from each other.

"Alright, Uraraka, I think it's high time we tackled your fear of clowns," J said.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Kaminari said.

"Ugh, I'm not ready for this," Uraraka replied.

"We're gonna do something called exposure therapy. I'm gonna hold up this clown nose, and you're gonna stare at it."

J held up a red clown nose, and Uraraka flinched. J then started humming a carnival tune, causing Uraraka to look visibly uncomfortable.

"C'mon, it's not that scary," Bakugou said.

Eventually, Uraraka broke. "Gah! I can't do it! I can't do it!"

"Alright, that's okay, just close your eyes and breathe in and out. In and out."

Uraraka was doing just that. However, about a minute later, she opened her eyes and screamed, because J was now dressed as a clown.

"Wow, that was fast," Yaoyorozu said.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Okay, you know what? This actually isn't that bad. I think it might be getting better. Thank you."

"You're welcome," J replied, blood coming out of his mouth, causing Uraraka to scream hysterically and run out of the room. "That's our time."

"Oh my God, you traumatized her!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Ugh... why'd I use real blood?"

"I'm sorry?!" Mineta exclaimed.

J was in a room, tied to a chair.

"Alright, this isn't funny more. Let me go."

"Nah, I don't think I will," Dabi said.

"Ey, there I am!" Dabi exclaimed.

J started laughing.

"No, you don't understand. You will let me go, or I will escape, and then I'll violently dismember you and take a crap on your corpse."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Just ask that guard."

They both looked over at a nearby guard who was missing one of his ears.

"It's true, sir. When I was trying to tie him up, he bit off my ear, and then he knocked me out and peed in my mouth. This guy might actually be genuinely psychotic."

"I'm sorry, what the fuck?" Jirou asked.

"See, he gets it."

"Please, I can tell you're all talk and no bite."

"Do-- do you not see the guard with the missing ear?"

"Oh, I see. You're trying to out-crazy me."


"Hey, Shigaraki, get in here!"

"What do you want, Dabi?"

"This counselor's tryna out-crazy me."

"Trust me, I'm not."

"You think you're crazy, counselor? I murdered my entire family with my bare hands."

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