Oogie Boogie's Song

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"Alright, this is a sequel to the previous song," J said. "We're finally gonna be meeting Oogie Boogie."

"You mean the Bogeyman?" Midoriya asked.

"No, I mean Oogie Boogie," J replied. "He's completely different, but exactly the same, cuz he's the Bogeyman."

"Hold up," Kaminari said.

Lock, Shock, and Barrel were carrying Santa Claus (All Might) towards a pipe.

Santa Claus:

Don't do this! Naughty children never get any presents!

"Wow, looks like they actually managed to kidnap the Sandy Claws," Kirishima said.


I think he might be too big!

"Wow, okay, I see how it is," All Might said.


No he's not. If he can fit down a chimney, then he can fit through here!

"Ooh, shit's about to get real," Ashido said.

Oogie Boogie:

Well, well, well...

What have we here?

Sandy Claws, huh?

Ooh, I'm really scared!

"What. The hell. Is that thing?" Midoriya asked.

"Oh, that's Shigaraki," J replied.

"Yeah, but why don't I have eyes? Or teeth?" Shigaraki asked.

So you're the one everybody's talking about, ha ha ha!

You're joking!

You're joking!

I can't believe my eyes!

You're joking me!

You gotta be!

This can't be the right guy!

He's ancient! He's ugly!

"Screw you, then!" All Might exclaimed.

I don't know which is worse!

I might just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first!

Well, Mr. Oogie Boogie says there's trouble close at hand.

You better pay attention now, cuz I'm the Bogeyman!

And if you aren't shaking, there's something very wrong.

For this may be the last time you hear the Boogie Song!

Woah~oh! (Woah~oh!)

Woah~oh! (Woah~oh)

Woah~oh! (Woah~oh)

I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!

"Spiders just crawled out of his eyes. Spiders just crawled out of his eyes! Fuck that!" Bakugou exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Bakugou? Scared of a little spider?" J asked, making a tiny spider magically appear in his hand. He held it out towards Bakugou, who started screaming unintelligibly.

Santa Claus:

Release me now, or you will face the dire consequences!

The children are expecting me, so please come to your senses!

"There really isn't any point in trying to reason with a crazy person," Aizawa said.

Oogie Boogie:

Oh, you're joking!

You're joking!

I can't believe my ears!

Would someone shut this fella up?

I'm drowning in my tears!

It's funny! I'm laughing!

You really are too much!

And now, with your permission, I'm going to do my stuff.

"What? What stuff? Don't do anything to me!" All Might exclaimed.

Santa Claus:

What are you going to do?

Oogie Boogie:

I'mma do the best I can.


The sound of rolling dice to me is music in the air!

Cuz I'm a gambling Bogeyman, and no I don't play fair!

It's much more fun, I must confess, when lives are on the line!

Not mine, of course, but your's, old boy -- now that'd be just fine.

Santa Claus:

Release me fast or you will have to answer for this heinous act!

Oogie Boogie:

Oh brother! You're something!

You put me in a spin!

You aren't comprehending the position that you're in!

It's hopeless! You're finished!

You haven't got a prayer!

Cuz I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie, and you ain't going nowhere!


"Alright, next, we're gonna look at another skit," J said.


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