#3 The poisoned chalice

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Yes I'm not writing every episode from the series, only those I find most relevant or funny.

All rights goes to the creators of Merlin, all I own is Madelyn.

"It's not...the worst you've worn?"

Merlin looked at his sister and raised an eyebrow and dared her to continue.

"I mean you look..." Before Madelyn could come up with something the door opened and Gaius entered the room.

"You look hideous." Merlin looked shocked at his mentor's words and looked between his sister and the older man. Standing beside Gaius and looking at her brother in his "flattering" ceremonial robes that he was told by Arthur to wear it was very difficult not to burst into laughter. The twitching of the corners of their lips didn't go unnoticed by the young warlock and he sighed then opened his arms smiling slightly.

"Fine laugh and have it over with." And so they did.

Whiping her eyes from tears of laughter Madelyn approached her brother and circled around him.

"S-sorry! But ... The hat and it all!" Her laughter made even Merlin smile as he looked at himself.

"Without the hat and the cape it's actually not that bad, just wear all of it at the start of the evening and it should be fine." Gaius agreed with the young woman nodding.

"Yes, otherwise we know just where to go if we need something dusted off!" Merlin rolled his eyes and tugged at the shirt.

"Haha, very funny. Glad it's amusing! Might lighten the mood during the evening, King Bayard isn't the most joyful guest I've seen. Not that Uther is much better."

"Hush! Brother you've been through enough thanks to your mouth! Would it be enough for me to ask you to not say something that may cause you harm tonight? The other times was enough, I mean you accused a knight in front of the King!"

"But that was true! Valiant was guilty!"

"I know Merlin but you almost lost your head! And don't get me started on when you told the whole court that it was you that had but the mixture of herbs in Gwen's house!"

"But that was also true! Ouch!" Merlin rubbed his arm where his sister had hit him as he looked at her serious and concerned face.

"Fine Maddy, I'll try." The both hugged making Madelyn sneeze as the feathers tickled her face making all of them laugh.


Madelyn stood by the wall of the huge feast hall enjoying herself. She had been allowed to watch if she stayed in the shadows and she looked at all the people and to be fair mostly at what the people from Mercia were wearing. Suddenly a not so happy Gwen joined her side.

"Is everything alright Gwen?" Madelyn watched as her friend gave a fake smile before sighing and the smile fell.

"The women from Mercia sure isn't disappointing are they?"

"Not so sure I agree, have you seen what they're wearing?" Gwen smiled slightly before her eyes stayed on one spot making Madelyn look at what caught her eyes.

"Oh Gwen... for being someone who claims to know alot my brother sure can be so silly an awful amount of times." The girls looked at each other and Madelyn gave Gwen's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"She's not even half as beautiful as you are. Trust me Merlin will regret his decision if he keeps talking to her, I feel it in my gut." Gwen laughed slightly and shook her head.

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