Suggestions and requests

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Hey everyone! I'm a little at loss of what the next chapter should be, I don't feel like the next episodes in line are easy to write Madelyn into. The second to last episode of this season is the one where Morgause poisons Morgana and Merlin has to let loose the Dragon so I'll definitely will write the last one where Merlin goes looking for the last Dragonlord (spoiler aka his and Madelyn's father).

Does anyone want me to write any of the episodes before the last one please comment or send me a message. I'll leave it to you guys to let me know, I'll wait for a week until it's decided :)

The once I would be skipping would be:

Beauty and the beast part 1 and 2 - the one where a troll marries Uther

The witchfinder- the one where Merlin gets suspected as a sorcerer but Gaius takes the blame

The sins of a father - arthur faces a challenger which turns out to be Morgause. She makes him come to hear about his mother's death.

The lady of the lake - Merlin rescues a young druid girl and falls in love.

Sweet dreams - 5 kings comes to Camelot for a peace treaty but Arthur is bewitched to fall in love with a spoiled princess.

The witch quickening- A man called Alvar uses mordred to convince Morgana to steal a crystal. Merlin and Arthur saves the day but Merlin sees a glimts of the future and dreads it. Uther wants Alvar dead but Morgana helps him escape.

The fires of Idirsholas- Morgause re- awakens 7 dead knights to attack Camelot, she enchants Morgana to be the source of a spell that makes everyone fall asleep . Merlin gets help from the Dragon by promising to set him free. Merlin tries to poison Morgana to save everyone making Morgause lift the spell and take Morgana with her. The Dragon is set free...

Until then

Until then

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