# 10 Le Morte d'Arthur - part 1

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This will not be the last chapter but it's the last of season one, hope you're all ready. I think I'll write it in two parts.

The sun was shining on the beautiful city of Camelot and it's people. Times had been hard for many, with the grain that had died, gone bad and even the water well only giving sand for a while but eventually it all went well and the grain and water came back. Most people of Camelot didn't know how or what had happend but Madelyn knew, the unicorn that lived, then was killed and then came back to life. 

Madelyn glanced at Gwen as they walked through the market stalls. The poor young woman who lost her father seemed fine on the outside but Madelyn knew how hard it was for Gwen to carry on. Gwen had even slept in Madelyn's room at nights when it was too painful to be at the house that reminded Gwen of her father.

"This looks nice. What do you think, Maddy? Should I buy this shawl?" Gwen held up a rough and probably used shawl making Madelyn stop dumbfounded until she realised her friend was simply joking. Gwen looking back at her with an innocent smile on her face couldn't hold back her laugh but bursted out laughing.

"You should've seen your face Maddy! You looked so offended." Madelyn just shook her head at the young woman beside her, happy that she laughed again.

"I am offended! I'm not even sure if that was a shawl or more of a ... horse quilt!" The women stopped at an other stall with fabrics, Madelyn gently touched a red/ornage roll of fabric that made her smile and remember.

"Does it get easier? Will the memories ever go away?" Gwen's soft question made Madelyn look at her friend and saw how Gwen fought with keeping her tears away. Madelyn gently took Gwen's hand in hers before answering.

"The memories? No, they're for ever with me. But the pain, yes. Now I can remember and smile, I can enjoy the memories and I cherish every single one of them." Madelyn hugged Gwen close seeing the pain in her eyes.

"It will get easier, I promise Gwen."


Madelyn was back at the shop, just finished with a new customer and was now watching as Bernhard showed her his secrets when doing tailoring.

"... but if you do this and cut like that it will seem as if it was meant to look that and not a mistake, and you save fabric!" The older man chuckled at his own cleverness as Madelyn smiled taking the measured pieces of fabric she needed for the order and gently placed them in the right place for her to start working with it later on. As they were cleaning the shop for the day Mary entered.

"A letter was delivered for you today, Madelyn. It seemed on the deliverer that it had travelled far." Mary raised an eyebrow wanting to know more as she handed the letter to Madelyn who looked confused until she saw the string that was wrapped around the letter.

"Oh... it's from him isn't it?" Bernhard asked gently. After Madelyn had returned from Ealdor she finally told Mary and Bernhard about Lancelot. Madelyn smiled and nodded.

"I think I'll go and read it in my room." Mary agreed quickly and moved towards her room, she knew that her gossip of a husband wanted to know all the details. When Madelyn closed the door behind her Mary turned towards her husband who looked as if his sweets was stolen.

"No. The words were meant for her eyes and her eyes only." Bernhard sighed but nodded smiling and blushed.

"I know I just... can't help but want to know." The mumbling and embarrassed man who looked like a scolded child made Mary chuckle.

"Oh you big baby."


Madelyn made sure to sit down on her bed before she read the letter.

My lady Madelyn

I hope the merchant was telling the truth when he said he was going to Camelot and so I hope this letter reaches your hands. I hope you are not having too much of a hard time keeping Merlin out of trouble and out of the stocks. I also hope that everyone sees how much of a talent you have. Every morning when I look at the clothes you made me it reminds me of you and everything you told me I could be. You've made me a better man. I'm for ever in your debt and you have my eternal gratitude.
Please tell Merlin to try and stay out of trouble and to keep you safe.

All is well with me and I've travelled around helping people as much as I can.
My thoughts are with you and I hope the day we see each other again will come soon.

Yours truly

Madelyn felt her cheeks get wet with tears as she read. It was noticeable that the letter had been written in haste and yet it was perfect. She read it over and over again until Mary called for dinner, and when it was time to sleep Madelyn gently tucked it under her pillow and she never stopped smiling.


The next morning Madelyn walked to the castle to meet the lady Morgana and Gwen. They all enjoyed time together and sometimes they even forgot to talk about new dresses and Madelyn didn't mind at all. As she reached the courtyard of the castle she saw many knights gathered and Arthur holding a scared and hysterical Morgana. She was begging for Arthur not to leave. Merlin took Morgana away from Arthur and guards took her which made her even more scared so Madelyn ran up to them and held Morgana in her arms and it helped Morgana calm down. Looking up Madelyn's eyes met Merlin's and she sent him a questioning look making him smile reassuringly. As Gwen and other servants came to help Morgana, Madelyn watched as the prince, soldiers, knights another bother rode away and she got a horrible feeling. She needed to talk go Gaius.


"They're riding to fight what you believe is a horrible beast that can kill anyone with just one bite?" Madelyn stood in Gaius chambers.

"Yes correct."

"And there's no cure?"

"Also correct."

"And it's also an omen that horrible things are about to happen?"

"Unfortunately,  yes." The old man sighed as he looked down at the book with the beast. Together the two waited for the party to return.

Sorry it's not as much as other times but I really wanted to get this one started.

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