#5 The beginning of something wonderful- part 2

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All rights goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn.

Madelyn walked back home from the castle, she had gotten new measurements from a lady to a dress and now smiled as she looked at the people around her, enjoying the sunshine. A black haired boy swept by her in a rush towards the training grounds but she didn't even have time to say hi to her brother until he was gone. Smiling and shaking her head she spoke to herself.

"He was probably late again."

"Who was?" Madelyn mentally groaned and tensed as she heard the voice speaking up beside her.

"No one Edgar" Madelyn replied as the butcher's son started walking beside her happily.

"Well I'm not no one and you're certainly someone." Madelyn could hear the grin as he spoke and he gave her what he thought was a sly smirk. Madelyn looked down at her basket and made a fake surprised gasp.

"Oh I forgot my favourite needle at the castle. I'm so sorry Edgar I must leave to fetch it." Madelyn turned on her heel and walked back towards the castle.


"Good bye Edgar!" Madelyn relaxed as she didn't feel him follow her and as soon as she was safe within the castle walls she leaned against the wall.

"I must say that was a very elegant escape." Startled Madelyn turned around finding a smiling lady Morgana standing there with Gwen who tried to hold back her laugh. But she failed and let out a laugh making Madelyn smile aswell.

"He sure can't read when a woman isn't interested can he?" Gwen said as she also knew from experience how clingy Edgar could be and Madelyn agreed nodding.

"Thank you my lady,  unfortunately I'm running out of excuses soon." Madelyn answered Morgana.

"Well we can't have that now can we? You're the seamstress aren't you? I've seen you here in the castle and I've seen some of your work. I must say I admire it." Morgana asked and Madelyn looked a little shocked before blushing slightly.

"Thank you my lady, but I'm only an apprentice. I work for Mary and Bernhard down in the lower town."

"That doesn't change that you're one of the best, I've actually been thinking to maybe ask if you would make me a gown? And maybe you could use that as an extra excuse if you need another way of escaping this Edgar. Please do consider it." The lady Morgana walked away before Madleyn could answer and Gwen laughed at her gaping friend.

"I told you! I'm not the only one who thinks you are one of the best in Camelot. " Madleyn looked back at Gwen and started smiling wide. 

"You really think I should do it? I mean I would have to wait for Mary and Bernhard to return before asking if it would be alright but... oh wow!" Madelyn hugged Gwen in joy.

"I'll tell Morgana you're more than considering it and that you'll have your answer in a few days." The two girls parted and Madelyn smiled so wide her cheeks hurt as she walked home with a skip in her step.

Later that day Madlun sang to herself as she cleaned around in the shop but a knock on the door made her stop.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Maddy! Merlin." Madelyn smiled wide as she unlocked the front door to the shop and opened it stepping aside to let her brother in, what she didn't expect was another man stepping in behind Merlin. A man she recognised but truly wasn't sad to see and her heart skipped a beat. The man seemed as stunned as her as they looked at each other not paying attention to her brother talking on and on about something.

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