#11 Le Morte d'Arthur-part 2

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All rights goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn. I might have changed a little bit of the episode, read to find out ;) also shout out to my friend BlahhhSailor for supporting me,

Madelyn stood beside Merlin when the knights had first appeared with the wounded prince and she stood by Merlin as the king carried his only son in his arms. Madelyn knew Merlin and how much he blamed himself. When he went to speak to the Dragon she waited by the top of the stairs for Merlin, she knew whatever was said down there wasn't for her ears. When Merlin walked up the stairs Madelyn wasn't sure of the look in his eyes and as he asked her to go home to rest she couldn't help but to hug him.

"You will save him, Merlin. I know you will."


Madelyn stood by Merlin's side holding the horse's reins as he finished readying his horse, he told her of his plan and of the Isle of the blessed. Gently she stroke the mule of the horse as Gaius reached them.

"Here. You'll need a map. And I'm going to give you this. My mother gave it to me." Merlin took the parchment then unwrapped the tiny package. "It's a rabbit foot."

"To keep you safe." Merlin answered.

"It was said to protect you from evil spirits. It's rubbish, I don't believe in superstition. I don't know why I gave it to you." As he said the last bit Gaius tried go take the gift back but Merlin pulled away his hand smiling.

"No.  I want it. Thank you." Smiling he turned to Madelyn and hugged her and kissed her forehead before mounting his horse. "You've got to keep Arthur alive until I get back."

Madelyn and Gaius watched the young sorcerer ride away.


Madelyn spent most of the days with keeping Morgana company when Gwen helped keeping watch over Arthur. Otherwise Madelyn spent time talking to Gaius. The days went by slowly and the prince was not getting better. All of Camelot now mourned their dying prince.

Madelyn knew Merlin would make it, and her faith proved true as one day he galloped through the streets of Camelot with a hopefull look in his eyes. As much as she wanted she didn't have time to go up to the castle but word had it that the prince was feeling much better and would make full recovery.


The sun had not yet showed it's first light when Madelyn woke up, finding she couldn't sleep. A restless feeling was tightening in her chest and as she saw that dawn would break soon she dressed in Merlin's favourite dress. The feeling got worse yet she couldn't understand what it was. Sitting on her bed just as the light of morning arrived the book she was reading slipped from her hands.

 Sitting on her bed just as the light of morning arrived the book she was reading slipped from her hands

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