#8 the end of the beginning of something wonderful

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As usual all rights goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn.

Madelyn knew to take every day as it came, she knew not to take expect in advance but to smile at the small things but to wake up and find out Lancelot was imprisoned and she couldn't see him was something she wasn't expecting. Her heart cried in pain and she had cried when Gwen and Merlin come and told her. Now she walked with Merlin as he had just spoken with Lancelot. Merlin was after all servant of the castle so he could reach Lancelot.

Merlin looked at his sister as they walked side by side. He saw her pained eyes and his heart cried for her and Lancelot. He wasn't blind, he knew how much they meant to each other and he would never approve of someone to be with his sister but Lancelot was the exception.

"He said that the choice was his and the punishment was his to bear and his alone." Merlin Merlin looked down feeling a soft gentle hand squeeze his. Looking into his sister's eyes he realised they both were in pain but Madelyn was still trying to help and comfort him.

"Please listen to what he says Merlin, it's what he wishes. If he wants us to be strong let's be so together."

Madelyn hugged him close and felt tears fall into her shoulder.

"He doesn't deserve t-this." She barely heard Merlin's mumbles into her hair making her hug him tighter and comforting him.

"Oh my dearest little brother." Madelyn closed her eyes feeling a tear falling down her cheek. She had to be strong, both for Merlin and for Lancelot.


The next day she had to wash her face many times knowing her eyes were red. She could barely sleep during the night, her heart hurt more then she ever thought could be possible. How she was standing up was a mystery for her because she felt as if her body had been drained from everything but the pain. Looking at her reflection in a window she took a deep breath and she knew had made up her mind. She needed to find a way of speaking to Lancelot.


Lancelot hadn't slept anything, all he could think about was her. How he called her "my lady", how her smile made his whole world shine like the brightest of sunny days and how he hadn't told her. He noticed how the sun shone down through the window and he heard the people walking outside. His heart ached as he wanted to be walking outside with the lady of his heart and how much he wanted to hold her, spill his heart out and tell her how he felt.

"Lancelot?" The voice the whispered through the small barred window almost sounded like a dream and so he was frozen for a second before jumping up and hurrying to the window and looked up.

There she was.


Madelyn felt her heart beat again as she rested her head against the barrs of the cell window. Hearing his voice soothed the heartache and she smiled feeling tears almost spill.

"M-my knight. "

"My lady." The soft words left their lips as if they were starving and hadn't eaten for days. Their eyes keeping their gaze locked and their hearts bearing almost beating out of their chest and Lancelot hand tried to reach Madelyn's but the gap was too big.

"Madelyn, I want you to know tha-..." a high screech, panicking screams and hurried footsteps stoped his words and suddenly Madelyn was out of sight.

"Madelyn? Maddy! Madelyn!! What's happening? MADDY!"


Madelyn held onto the young girl that had thrown herself onto Madelyn as they had been attacked by the monster. Madelyn hid the girl's face in her arms and she protected the shaking scared one with her own body every time the shadow of the beast flew over them as they hid in a corner behind some barrels. She had barley heard the call for her from the cell window where she just was but for the sake of the girl she didn't dare to answer back. Quickly the prince with many knights ran out to defend and hopefully kill the best.

Merlin's sister the seamstress - lancelot love storyWhere stories live. Discover now