# 23 Goblin's Gold

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This is a short chapter, I love this episode so much because it makes me laugh so much but I couldn't find many ways of writing Madelyn into it.

Madelyn was strolling trough the market when she saw Gaius and smiling she started to wall towards him but something about what he was doing made her stop. He was standing opposite a man and giving him a potion, but what surprised her was when Gaius pulled back his hand holding the potion and then reached out his empty one, and Gaius wouldn't give the potion to the probably sick man until Gaius was given a coin. Madelyn stopped in her tracks, gobsmacked she watched as Gaius continued down the street, selling his potions. Madelyn stood shocked by what she saw and even as Gaius vanished from her sight she didn't move for a good few minutes. Only when someone bumped into her she continued with her day but she knew she needed to ask Merlin about this.


Later the same day Madelyn walked with a basket of Merlin's mended shirts towards the castle when she met what looked like a very worried Gwen.

"Gwen?" Not receiving an answer Madelyn stopped and looked at her friend that seemed in a sort of daze. "Hello Gwen, are you alright?" Madelyn put a hand on Gwen's arm gently to not startle the handmaiden too much, and yet Gwen flinched slightly as if beeing in deep thought.

"Maddy! Oh, sorry I didn't see you at first but yes I am. Well, I thought I was..." Gwen bit her lip slightly and Madelyn knew she did that when she was nervous or scared.

"What do you mean? Do you feel ill?" Madelyn looked over Gwen confused, she saw no signs of any sort of illness.

"No, that's the thing. I don't feel ill at all but Gaius said I had developed symptoms for some sort of plague that's spreading through Camelot. " Gwen's words confused Madelyn even more, she hadn't heard of any illness or plague going on, if there was Merlin would've warned her.

"That's strange... Merlin hasn't mentioned this at all." Madelyn looked up towards the castle then back at Gwen and gave her a small reassuring smile. "I'm going to see Merlin now actually, I'll ask him about this and then I'll come by your house later tonight if you'd like?" Gwen nodded back and smiled relieved, and so they parted and Madelyn walked towards the physician's chambers.


"What happend?" Madelyn couldn't hold it when she had opened the door and found the room in a huge mess and Merlin on all fours cleaning up something gooey from the floor. As Merlin saw who it was he sighed and gestures towards the only bench that was clean enough for her to sit on.

"You're gonna have to sit down for this."


"And now Gaius is of to the tavern? In this whole... goblin chaos? " Madelyn sat gobsmacked for the second time this day.

"Yeah, and it's not the first time week." Merlin laughed slightly, amused and confused by the thought of the physician drinking.

"Merlin, this is... You really have to find where that goblin went! What if he gets his hands on something poisonous and hands it to Uther or Arthur?" At Madelyn's words Merlin immediately stopped grinning.

"That... would be really bad." Madelyn nodded, agreeing and she helped her brother clean the room before walking home. She took a detour and went to Gwen and told her Merlin had heard nothing of an infection going on and with that she walked home to sleep.

Gwen sure felt relief but as she glanced at the bottle on her table she found herself imagining what she would look like if she did get boils. What if Arthur saw her with big boils- the horror! Quickly she grabbed the bottle and drank it. Better safe than sorry, right?


Madelyn couldn't believe it! Merlin had been accused of magic and being the one responsible for the... afflictions that the king and court had been suffering from. Yes, she had heard all about the king's baldness and also about Gwen, Morgana and the king... passing gas.

Madelyn hurried down the street towards in the darkness, she had tried to see her brother in the dungeon but she was refused. As she passed the tavern she almost stumbled into someone.

"Oh! Sir Leon I'm so sorry." Madelyn smiled slightly and bent her head, but as she tried to walk away she found her wrist held gently by someone else's. Exhaling slightly Madelyn turned around and met the knight's eyes.

"Madelyn, I'm sorry to hear about Merlin... I couldn't believe it when I first heard. " Madelyn nodded and Leon let go of her wrist. "Actually... I still don't believe it. And that Gaius was the one to tell..." startled by Leon's words she looked up at him. While studying him closer she understood his bold words, his eyes looked slightly glazed over. Sir Leon was slightly drunk.

"Gaius?" She didn't want to pry and question someone intoxicated, it wasn't right but Madelyn needed to hear more.

"Yeah!" Snorting slightly Leon whiped his face with his sleeve and now Madelyn also saw that his face and hair had signs of ale in it. "That man surprises me these day! Do you know what he did?" Madelyn shook her head and showed great interest spurring the knight to continue. "He..spat his drink in my face!" Leon lower his voice and whispered the words so only Madelyn would hear, his voice very upset. Madelyn felt her eyes widen, both from the information but also because the drunken breath that hit her.

"That..." Madelyn stood yet again shocked, but apparently her answer was too slow for the knight to focus on and soon he was called back inside by his drinking companions and Madelyn walked back home in realisation. Gaius... was somehow the goblin...


The morning had not been a great start on the day for Madelyn. Guards had bursted in through the door and searched for her brother, who apparently had escaped during the night. As they had found nothing and Arthur believed her  word when he saw her confused and upset face they left, leaving Madelyn to turn her house and shop back to the way it was. Thankfully the rest of the day was alot better, Merlin had taken refuge with Gwen and they set a trap for the possessed Gaius and managed to trap the goblin outside of Gaius. Gaius had explained the situation to the king and Merlin was pardoned. Well, pardoned from the king but not from an older sister.

"Was it really necessary with poison? And what does Gaius mean with that it was you that set it loose in the first place?" Madelyn stood with her arms crossed in front of her brother in her shop, fabric still all over the place since the guards search.

"You... didn't hear the part where Arthur sounded and looked like a donkey?" Merlin squirmed under his sister's gaze and tried to change the subject.

"Merlin." Madelyn looked at her brother sternly before exhaling and walking up to him hugging him close, her relief stronger than her anger. "Please, can you for once stop worrying me."

"I'll try." Merlin's answer made them both smile and laugh. Pulling away Merlin almost reached the door when Madelyn spoke.

"Merlin, where are you going? " turning around towards his sister he found her face smiling in a slight smirk. "These fabrics are not going to sort themselves..."

"You've got to joking..." Merlin's face fell as he looked around. Shrugging he lifted his hand, a small grin dancing on his lips.

A tap on the back of his head made him turn and look at his sister, Madelyn smiled wide and added. "Without magic."

"Oh, come on!"

Not edited

Done! I hope it's okay, next chapter will introduce my second favourite, Gwaine!

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