#9 The moment of truth

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As always all credits goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn. The song is for later in the chapter where there's a *.

The last few weeks and months had been very hectic for Madelyn. Not so much busy with work but with so much happening with and around Merlin. A man claiming to have the cure for all ills almost killing Gaius and Merlin, a druid boy hiding in Morgana's chamber who supposedly was the end of Arthur but who was super sweet, a young girl and her father almost succeeding with killing Arthur and then a black knight that almost killed the king. All this happening and involving Merlin so much helped Madelyn focus on something else than the loss and abscense of Lancelot.

Shortly after the beast had been killed Mary and Bernhard returned home safe and sound and they were both thrilled when they heard that Madelyn made a dress for the lady Morgana. They were in fact so happy so they made Madelyn a finished trained seamstress and no longer an apprentice and so Madelyn kept working with Morgana. The couple had one time tried to ask what happend with the orange fabric that had disappeared from the storage but Madelyn had waved it off avoiding the topic but had tried to pay back but Mary and Bernhard refused the money. It seemed to Madelyn as if the orange fabric soon fell out of their memory much to her relief and yet from time to time she took out the little piece of orange fabric she had left and smiled and sometimes cried.

Working at the court had given the shop and Madelyn a huge amount of new customer and reputation. Madelyn was now a known face to most of the ones who saw her at the castle and as some nobles had tried to have Madelyn come work for them Morgana had stepped in claiming that Madelyn was "her" seamstress, making Madelyn proud and it also gave Madelyn more room to make the dresses as she and Morgana wished them to look, not as it was custom for dresses to look.

This day was a day for Madelyn to rest, she had just finished a new blue dress for the lady Morgana, it had a long train and sleeves but she couldn't wait with the delivery so as soon as the morning arrived Madelyn made her way with Gwen to Morgana. Madelyn knew of the things that Morgana had seen in her dreams, Merlin had told her but Madelyn didn't dare to speak with Morgana about it. As Madelyn's gut told her the dress fit Morgana perfect and as they admired it there where words going around of woman coming to Camelot to plead for the king's help.

As Madelyn followed Morgana and Gwen down towards the hall she saw Gaius and Merlin standing with the woman by the doors. Madelyn recognised that dress...

"Mother?" The woman turned around and showed the face of someone Madelyn hadn't seen in years and so they rushed into each others arms.

"My beautiful daughter." Madelyn hugged tighter as she heard her mother's voice making her smile. Eventually she pulled away from her.

"Mother what are doing her-... what happend to your face? Who did this?" Hunith opened her mouth to reply but the guards intervened and informed that the king had granted an audience. In the hall in front of the king Uther they all heard what happend, how this Kanen had attacked Ealdor and taken the food making everyone in Ealdor starve. As Madelyn listened to the king and his decision she knew what she had to do and she knew Merlin would do the same.  Ealdor needed them and Madelyn would help in any way she could.

After the meeting Madelyn only needed to exchange a glance and a nod with Merlin to confirm what she had planned was also what he would do, and with that Madelyn went by the shop to pack. Saying goodbye to Mary and Bernhard was painfull.

"You better come back, who else will help me through the evening when Bernhard tries cooking?" Mary's joke made everyone laugh through the tears. No-one knew the outcome or what would happend and no-one dared to ask instead they all packed and made sure Madelyn's clothes were warm and able to fight in. They even made an extra pair of clothes and so Madelyn would give one set to Gwen, Merlin had been by and told her how Gwen and Morgana would join.

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