#14 Dangerous reunion- part 3

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The dress on the picture is how I imagined the dress Madelyn made in previous chapter looked like. Maybe shorter sleeves.

As Madelyn had woken up William and Lancelot had left to go get breakfast. They had all spoken about how if something happend the girls would be saved. During her time alone in the room she held the necklace Lancelot had given  her when he left Camelot. She smiled when suddenly the door flew open and soldiers took her to the room of the arena. Hengist was there and so where Gwen, the soldiers stopped and held onto Madelyn's arms hard as Hengist moved closer to Gwen in the caged arena.

"Morgana! I keep asking myself, "Why does Uther not pay the ransom? He's a rich man, why would he leave his beloved ward to suffer a slow and terrible death?" Hengist moved closer and Gwen backed up against a corner in fright.

"I don't know, please. Please..." Gwen's voice was filled with fear and she trembled as Hengist grabbed one of her hands in his.

"It must be very upsetting to know that Uther has abandoned you. It seems like no-one in this world cares for you... well except your seamstress that is." They both glanced at Madelyn as she pulled on the arms of the soldiers that held her back.

"I don't know why he doesn't pay. Please I don't know." Both Gwen and Madelyn trembled as they looked at the man, waiting scared to see what he would do.

"Take them to the cells." Any more of what Hengist spoke they couldn't hear as they were pulled towards the cells, thankfully they were thrown into the same one. Quickly they sat on the cot and held onto each other, both with tears staining their cheeks as they feared for their lives.

Madelyn heard footsteps get closer to them and stood up quickly in front of Gwen but as the door opened she smiled wide and hugged Lancelot close, William appearing behind him and held his hand out towards Gwen as he spoke. "We haven't a moment to lose."


They ran through the castle, through corridors and tunnels until William stopped and moved towards Gwen. Madelyn held onto Lancelot but couldn't help but to peek and listen to the exchange between the other man and Gwen.

"Follow this tunnel, it will take you beyond the castle walls. I...we will buy you as much time as we can. " Williams eyes never left Gwen's as he spoke.

"I will not leave you here." Gwen objected.

"You must."

"No. I will not leave you here to die." Gwen's voice almost cracked as she felt her throat get closed trying to keep the tears down.

"I would die for you hundred times over. Live for me, or everything I am had been for nothing. " William gently took her face in his hands and as he spoke his last words they kissed making Madelyn look away and hug Lancelot closer. They both knew that what the other two had said applied to them aswell. Madelyn looked up at the man who stood holding her.

"I need you to come back to me." Madelyn tried smiling but failed.

"I'll always return to you, my lady." Lancelot whiped away the tear that left her eye.

Madelyn kissed his cheek long before being pulled away by Gwen. Madelyn wanted but did not look back over her shoulder, she knew both the men risked their lives for her and Gwen but she could not find it in her heart to think this was the last time she would see him. A scream was heard suddenly making both of the women stop and look at each other, but soon Madelyn grabbed Gwen's hand and pulled her to keep running.

Merlin's sister the seamstress - lancelot love storyWhere stories live. Discover now