Thank you - please take moment

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Thank you everyone who reads this, I never thought in a million years when instated writing this book about 2 months ago that I would have this many readers. I truly appreciate and genuinely want to lift each and everyone of you. You all make me so extremely happy! This book is for you readers and I so hope you all enjoy reading.

An extra thank you to all of you who comment and send love and encouragement, you all give me extra energy and motivation. Thank you so much.

Now please take a moment and appreciate yourselves. Maybe write a list of 5 things you like about yourself?

I just wanted this part to be for all of you, in these hard times in the world it is easy to forget all the good things that we have in life and I want all of you to know and remember that you mean so much to me. Take care of yourselves, wash your hands and stay safe. Spread love - but do it online or without touching. :)

I'll try and update as soon as possible. Smooches!

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