#27 The coming of Arthur- part 2

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Madelyn stood by the entrance of the cave waiting, an anxious Gwaine by her side. Why did Merlin have to be the one to go search for food? Deep down she knew he would be alright, but what if he couldn't use magic to escape? What if he was stopped or killed before he could defend himself? What if- ...

"He'll be back soon." The voice of Gwaine snapped Madelyn back to her body and she looked at him. He was giving her one of his reassuring smiles but she knew he was just as nervous as she was. Smiling back she nodded.

"You're right. He will." Taking a deep breath and calming down she turned towards the cave and walked deeper inside. The cave had been found by Merlin and Elyan as they had scouted for a hiding place after they escaped Morgana's men. Morgana... when Arthur and Merlin had found them Merlin told them what Morgana did, how she had claimed the crown and the throne. As Madelyn thought of the pain in her heart of the betrayal her eyes turned towards the prince as he sat in a corner. He had barely eaten since the attack on Camelot and Merlin was the only one who managed to get Arthur to drink water.

An old hand resting on her arm made her turn her eyes and share a worried glance with the physician. Gaius and Madelyn had shared many worried moments as Merlin often was the one to volunteer to leave the cave, but also the caring for the others made them spend time together. Stitching up Gwaine after they had barely escaped Camelot was maybe not what many would wish for as time to bond but having Gaius give Gwaine his scolding glare had been extremely efficient as Madelyn had closed Gwaine's wound. Gwaine had at first tried to squirm out of it or joked it of but under Gaius firm gaze Gwaine had turned uncharacteristically quiet and Elyan had laughed at it and now he wouldn't stop threatening Gwaine with Gaius.

Hurried feet made almost everyone turn their eyes to the opening of the cave and thankfully Merlin made an entrance, out of breath but none the less alive and Madelyn felt herself and Gaius relax. Watching Elyan offering Merlin water they realised the ration of water was out.

"I'll get some more." Elayn's offer was shut down by Merlin.

"It's too dangerous." As Merlin came closer to where Madelyn and Gaius stood, Madelyn saw her brother's face and recognised it. He was worried.

"What happend?" Merlin looked at his worried sister as she asked.

"I'm alright, nothing happend." Both her and Gaius moved closer to hear Merlin as he continued whispering. "We need to do something. Morgana's men are everywhere." They all looked toward the pained prince in the corner, they needed to do something soon.


Madelyn smiled as she watched Merlin managing to get Arthur to eat the tiny bit of food. They truly shared a unique bond and maybe Arthur didn't realise it but it was obvoius to Madelyn that without Merlin, Arthur wouldn't have survived Morgana's betrayal.

Soon Merlin joined her and Gaius by the fire.

"We need act before Morgana gets any stronger." Gaius nodded and turned his head towards Madelyn.

"Have you sent word to Lancelot yet?" Nodding Madelyn blushed slightly. She didn't want to agree at first that they needed him to help but she was only worried for Lancelot's safety, and Merlin had convinced her he would protect him at all cost. "After all, he's family... well soon I assume?" were the words Merlin had said earned him a gasp from Gaius and a blushing shove from Madelyn. Merlin and Gwaine had endlessly teased her about her blushing face that she got as soon as anyone said his name.

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