#16 The last Dragonlord - part 1

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The first thing Madelyn noticed as she opened her eyes was the silence. Blinking slowly she looked around confused, the last thing she remembered was how tired she had felt. When she had spoken to Gaius she knew she wasn't the only one sick, Gwen had slight fever and many in the court. Slowly as if in a daze Madelyn sat up from her bed, this was not an ordinary sleep and why was it so quiet? Madelyn managed to stand up finding the strength of her legs and walked out into the shop and found Bernhard helping Mary up from the floor.

"Thank God." Madelyn moved quickly towards the elder couple and hugged them. "Do any of you know what happened? "

Both Mary and Bernhard shook their heads. "No, after you got the fever and went to your room to rest both of us started to feel tired aswell." Bernhard started.

"Yes, but as we knew we had much work that needed to be done we tried to finish some. I guess we just... fell asleep?" Mary looked around aswell, just as confused as the others. Madelyn nodded hearing her, something with all this wasn't right. She helped Bernhard place Mary on a chair and then looked out the window and realised who could be the one with answers, Merlin.

"Stay here and take it slow, let me go to see Gaius and maybe I can find out what happend." Madelyn smiled gently at the two, her gut telling her that this wasn't over as she walked out the door.


Reaching the physician's chambers took a lot longer than expected. Everywhere people were waking up, asking questions and Madelyn helped everyone she could. What scared her tho was the ringing of the city bells, something had happend. By the end of her walk she was running, fear gripping her heart, what if her brother... no Merlin would be fine, he had to.

Reaching the door Madelyn couldn't help but burst through the door and there stood the two she wished to see, Merlin and Gaius. The grip on her heart lifted making her smile relieved, her brother was safe and so Madelyn walked towards her brother but the smile on her lips left when she saw the state he was in.

"M-merlin? What's wrong?" Carefully Madelyn walked closer to her brother, his eyes filled with tears. As she almost had reached him a one tearfell down his cheek and Merlin almost fell to the floor if Madelyn hadn't reached out and caught him in her arms. Holding her brother close to her in her arms as he cried she looked up at Gaius, the grief and pain clear in his eyes aswell. Whatever had happend was not good but Madelyn's questions could wait, right now her brother needed her.


Carefully Madelyn closed the door to Merlin's room, she had managed to get Merlin to bed. All the time he had been shaking and crying and holding onto her Madelyn was there, when he fell asleep exhausted with tears still falling down his cheeks Madelyn kissed his head but needed answers. She looked at the old man sitting on a bench in the room. Gaius kept his eyes towards his hand as if lost in thought and Madelyn carefully kneeled in front of him and gently grasped his hand.

"Gaius?" Her soft voice filled the silence in the room and slowly Gaius lifted his eyes and looked at the young woman. Gaius opened his mouth but closed it again, not knowing where to start. When he finally spoke his voice was cracked and filled with sadness.

"Merlin... had to do something... he should never been forced to do."


As soon as Gaius and finished telling about why everyone had been asleep and how Merlin was forced to poison  Morgana to save everyone Madelyn walked back to sit beside her brother's side. Now she understood the guilt and pain Merlin displayed, he had been forced to do this and his decision was killing him. Madelyn gently stroked Merlin's hand and closed her eyes and kissed his forehead as a tear fell down her cheek. How she wished she could take his pain away.


Hours later Madelyn was still by his side as he opened his eyes. For a while no one said anything until Madelyn saw the pain and fear in Merlin's eyes. Gently she stroked his forehead with a damp cloth, cleaning the dirt of his face.

"I still love you Merlin." Madelyn let the words set in and continued cleaning his face gently. "Nothing you do can or will make me stop loving you, you are my brother and I know you." Gently she helped him sit up and helped him clean the wound on his arm aswell as helping him change shirt. During all this Merlin never said a word just kept looking at her, tears and doubt still in his eyes. Gently Madelyn grasped his face in her hands. "I know that you, Merlin would never let anything happen unless it was necessary. What you did was necessary and by doing so you saved everyone else." With that she hugged him close. First Merlin stood still with his arms hanging down his sides but eventually he moved his arms around his sister and hugged back.

When the evening came Madelyn left the two males, sent by Merlin to go home and eat. Now the young warlock and his mentor was eating dinner, or trying to. Knowing Merlin had no choice in his decision Gaius was the first to speak since Madelyn left.

"You did the right thing." His words and voice was not as convincing as he wished they would sound.

"You don't mean that. Morgana was your friend. You cared for her." Merlin's honest words was still full of sadness.

"I did." Gaius answer now came from his heart. "But I fear that, unlike you, Morgana chose not to use her gift for good. You had no choice." Merlin still wasn't convinced and raised his eyebrow slightly and so Gaius knew Merlin needed to hear more. "Would we be sitting here now if you had not made that decision? We are here thanks to you Merlin, your sister is alive thanks to you."

The words made Merlin nod until he realised last few words and he recalled his promise to the Dragon. "I swear on my sister's life."

"Where are you going? " Gaius asked worried inside when Merlin started to get up.

"I'll eat that later." Merlin seemed to be in a hurry to the old man.

"Merlin?" Gaius words made Merlin stop in his tracks.

"There's something I have to do."


As Merlin moved to free the Dragon Madelyn sat at the table eating with Mary and Bernhard. She had explained to them of the curse and the attack on Camelot and that Morgana was missing. Madelyn sat looking out the window lost in thought, worried about Merlin but also for Morgana. They had been close friends and yet Madelyn now realised why Morgana had started to distance herself from Gwen and Madelyn. Madelyn thought that it had been that Morgana was scared because of her gift that was a threat to her life as the king's ward. With a sigh Madelyn looked back at the food and ate.

"They'll find her." Bernhard's voice made Madelyn look up and found the couple looking at her with reassuring smiles. Mary reached out and gently grasped the hand of Madelyn across the table.

"She'll be fine." They all smiled at Mary's words as the elder couple looked at eachother and Bernhard kissed Mary's forehead. Looking back at the young woman that was like a daughter they smiled at her. "We'll be fine."

That's when the fire well from the sky and the roof to the house and shop fell down upon them.

Ended with a cliffhanger! I know this chapter is not really the start of the last episode but I wanted it. I hope you enjoy reading!

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