#20 The last Dragonlord - part 5

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Madelyn felt empty as she saddled her horse, she didn't bother trying to convince Balinor as she knew Arthur was. The emptiness felt like a cool wind on a hot summer day, it helped with all the pain, sadness and loss and Madelyn kept a tight grip onto the void of feelings that filled her.

"Merlin!" Hearing Arthur's upset call made Madelyn flinch back to reality, and as she saw the face of the approaching prince she knew he had been fruitless in their last attempt to convince the last Dragonlord to save Camelot. As her brother also appeared with a crestfallen face Madelyn shook her head and sighing she mounted her horse, all this for nothing. Soon they were all spurring their horses, galloping back towards Camelot with the silence still around them. 


Madelyn didn't know what to think. As they had stopped for the night Madelyn had went to gather firewood and now all of a sudden there he was, the man she once called father. As she had entered the camp she almost dropped all the collected firewood, Balinor sitting by their fire and sharing the cooked food. She had in shock and silence simply put down the wood, sat down and ate and then went to sleep.

Merlin couldn't tell what was going on in Maddy's mind, but he wouldn't and couldn't blame her for acting as she did, himself had been just as confused about what to feel when Balinor arrived. As Arthur also had been taken by sleep it was now only him and Balinor awake by the fire, the crackling of the fire the only noice of the night. Just as Merlin was about to talk the whimper that he had come to be too familiar with was heard and Merlin hurried to his sister side. As he took a hold of her hand she gripped it tightly as a flash of pain was seen on her face.

"Nightmares." The sound of Balinor's deep voice made Merlin nod and the tears was close as he whispered back.

"Y-yes. But mostly just... memories." Stroking his sister's forehead Merlin wished there was something he could do, seeing her in such pain made him feel powerless, as if his magic had flown away. As a strange hand appeared moving closer to Madelyn's head Merlin acted on instinct and grabbed the wrist, but quickly he realised that the hand belonged to Balinor.

"I can help her sleeping peace." Balinor's voice sounded strangely soft and kind as Merlin looked at him and Merlin smiled grateful.  "If you'll let me." Merlin, realising he still held the man's hand let go quickly and watched. Balinor gently put his hand on Madelyn's head and whispered what Merlin could only guess was some magic words or spell and as soon as the words was said Madelyn relaxed and fell into a peaceful sleep.


The next day felt alot brighter was the first thing Madelyn felt as she woke, it was as if clouds had covered the sun for a long time and now they had gone away. Slightly smiling Madelyn had even spoken a few words to Balinor as they continued their travel back. The night had not been filled with dark and sad memories, instead she had dreamed of wonderful times with her brother and mother.

Merlin smiled as he noticed how she had retained some of the colour of her cheeks and the circles under her eyes seemed alot less appearing.


As they stopped for food Madelyn had by habit walked to find firewood and soon Merlin found himself walking closer to Balinor, also collecting wood and Merlin knew he had to somehow tell Balinor the truth.

"The wood's to wet."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to make it light. " hearing Balinor say that, Merlin looked up. He knew what Balinor was hinting on, magic.

"When you healed Arthur, I heard you mumble some words. " Merlin wanted to see if Balinor trusted him.

"An ancient prayer." Balinor's answer was short yet not cold.

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