# 28 The coming of Arthur-part 3

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For anyone who forgot, William is played by Heath Ledger. I use his role William Thatcher in A Knight's Tale to portray the William he plays in this fan fiction.
Now, let's get right into it!


Madelyn didn't know how or when she had moved, she didn't know if she was running or walking. All she saw between the trees was the man that she dreamed of, the man she longed for, the man she hadn't seen or touched in over a year.

Lancelot knew he was running but it felt like in a daze, his feet moved but it felt so slow. The only sound he heard was the beating of his heart, with each step closer it went faster but he didn't think about it. All that mattered right now was reaching Her. God, she was more beautiful then he remembered. The air and light around her was brighter and lighter then ever before, it was difficult yet easier then in a long time to breath. Her hand reached out for him and his for her, and her eyes that never had left his now closed and she was safe in his arms.

Madelyn couldn't believe it as she held her arms around Lancelot. He was here, holding her and yet she feared that if she opened her eyes he would go away. After many long minutes, and yet not long enough, she felt him pull away slightly. His hand gently caressed her cheek and that's when she realised she was crying.

"My lady." His soft voice made her open her eyes and blues eyes met dark brown.

"Yours." Her even softer words barely managed to leave her lips when his lips met hers.

As Arthur spoke to William and was introduced to Percival, Merlin and Gwaine stood glancing at the happy couple.

"So... do you wanna talk about it?" Gwaine spoke smirking as he watched Merlin's uncomfortable face as he watched his sister and friend kiss. Merlin snapped out his stare and looked at Gwaine and smiled.

"No. I really don't."

"Why not? It's your sister that he's snogg-"

"I know! Thank you, you don't need to finish that sentence, please." Merlin turned his back to where Maddy and Lancelot were now, thankfully, just hugging now. Gwaine laughed at Merlin and turned towards the physician to see how the running had taken it's toll.


Leaning her head against his chest, Madelyn could hear his heartbeat and with his arms around her she felt safe. His warm embrace made her feel complete. Smiling she looked up at Lancelot and she found his loving gaze already looking at her. A cough mad the two jump slightly and Lancelot to wrap a protective arm around her. A not so slightly flustered Merlin stood there, trying to not look so uncomfortable.

"Um... sorry to... bother but we have to be going. " nodding Madelyn kissed Lancelot's cheek before walking past Merlin to the rest of the group. A smiling Gaius and Gwen, a smirking Gwaine, a flustered Elyan and Sir Leon met her. Arthur was still talking to William and Percival but soon called everyone to follow him. As Madelyn turned to look back at her love she found him hugging Merlin and she smiled. She knew Merlin had missed having a friend that knew about his powers. Merlin was the one to reach her first and he lightly tugged on her arm so she would walk beside him. Looking back confused her eyes met a smiling Lancelot's and she received a nod from him, telling her she would do best to walk with her brother for the moment.

After walking beside a silent Merlin for a while Madelyn looked at him and found him deep in thought.

"Merlin? Are you alright?" Hearing her ask made Merlin look at her with a smile and nod.

"Yeah. I guess I'm gonna have to get used to that, that's all." Hearing his response made her smile wider and Madelyn hooked her arm in his.

"Thank you, I didn't think you would be so calm about this."

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