#18 The last Dragonlord- part 3

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Finally next part!

The first following day was the hardest to cope for Madelyn, she threw herself into work by helping Gaius and Merlin with tending to the hurt and wounded. Her skill for stitching had been used too many times to count. The sound of the roaring Dragon endlessly attacking Camelot without mercy, ending countless of lives as days went by . Merlin had told her the story of how he had promised to release the Dragon and blamed himself for all the pain and misery but Madelyn had almost slapped him. The only one to blame for all the death was the Dragon, he chose to attack Camelot.

Now it was day three since the dragon attacked and Madelyn sat half conscious from lack of sleeping, with a sleeping child in her arms. The girl lost her parents and no one knew if they were alive and so Madelyn decided to keep the child close. No one should be alone in these times and the child, Rose, held onto Madelyn.
Madelyn didn't dare to sleep for long and she only slept when she couldn't keep her mind awake, the images and nightmares of Mary and Bernhard's death still close whenever she closed her eyes.

"Gwen! Don't! " Gaius calling made Madelyn look towards the door where she spotted Gwen run out with an empty bucket. After slowly standing up and placing the sleeping Rose on a cot Madelyn moved to Gaius.

"Where is she going? " Gaius looked just as tired as Madelyn.

"She saw that we needed more fresh water." His voice was tired and sad. Madelyn nodded and felt worry rise inside her as they both looked at the door where the brave servant girl had disappeared.


Gwen had made it, thanks to the prince. Madelyn watched as Gwen tended to Arthur and smiled, happy that the two had each other. Turning her head her gaze fell upon her brother as he approached her and Gaius.

"Are you hurt?" Madelyn put her hand on Merlin's arm, her question was met with the smallest of smiles as a no and her brothers arms around her. The siblings had shared many hugs these past days since Madelyn's injury and loss.

"There's nothing I can do, my magic is no good. It doesn't work." Madelyn hugged her younger brother closer in comfort as they but listened to Gaius.

"Dragons aren't monsters. They're creatures of wonder and magic. You must realise that they're immune to your powers."


Madelyn had heard the idea of Arthur riding to find a so called Dragonlord by the name of Balinor which meant that Merlin would go aswell so now she hurried to find him.

"Merlin!" She called as she saw him further down the corridor walking slightly behind Arthur, as she called the both stopped.

"Maddy?" Merlin's face showed slight confusion and he knew she wanted something else than wish him a safe journey.

"Please, let me come with you." Her words shocked Merlin and for a few seconds he watched her, waiting for her to reveal if it was a joke. Realising she wore her serious face and her back straight Merlin knew she wasn't backing down.

"What? No, Maddy it could be dangerous. Besides I'm sure Arthur would never allow it." Merlin turned towards Arthur and just as the prince was about to speak Madelyn spoke again.

"Sire, I am aware of the journey you're making. I've travelled those roads and I've been in that area when travelling to buy new fabrics with ..." Madelyn's voice broke slightly, and as Arthur watched the young woman he realised she wanted to do this not only for helping Camelot but for the man and woman whom had died.

"Are you sure? It will be dangerous." Arthur's answer made both siblings look up at him, Merlin's face showed great shock as Madelyn's held a certain calmness and a greatfull smile made it's way onto her lips.

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