#12 Dangerous reunion - part 1

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As always all credits goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn.

Madelyn smiled as she sat on the back of a horse, many things had happend since she almost died. First of all, when Merlin and Gaius came back from Isle of the Blessed she had given them a proper scolding. Then there had been a finding under the castle, a hidden room full of treasure was found but only caused chaos and misfortune so it was closed again with all the treasure within. Then Arthur had the "great" idea to fight his knights with a hidden identity and so Madelyn had helped with sewing the clothes for Arthur's "real face " which was a farmer who was called William of Daira. Gwen also had to house Arthur in her home and Madelyn was surprised that Gwen didn't have a huge complain about it. Later it turned out there was an assassin after Arthur but he was killed and Arthur had proven himself. After that lady Morgana's magic started to show more and more during her dreaming and she ended up leaving the castle in the middle of the night to find the druids. Merlin ran after her and later on Arthur and his men found Morgana and brought her back. During all this time until now Madelyn became closer with Gwen and Morgana and was often found talking with them or sewing a new dress, she was almost only sewing clothes for Morgana but once she made a new dress for Gwen. 

Madelyn smiled softly at Merlin as he stood on the ground beside her as she sat on the horse.

"We'll be fine Merlin, we won't be gone for long we're only going to Morgana's father's grave. I'm more worried about you and not being able to keep an eye on you. Can you at least try to keep away from the stocks?" Merlin shook his head no laughing making Madelyn laugh aswell. Very soon the whole party was on it's way and left Camelot.


Madelyn and Morgana spoke about ideas of sewing new riding clothes when soon they found Gwen wasn't really paying attention.

"You look troubled, Gwen." Morgana said and slowed down riding on one side of Gwen as Madelyn rode on the other.

"I'm fine. " Gwen smiled.

Madelyn smiled at her friends, she was proud how beautiful they looked and they both wore dresses sewn by her.

"You're very secretive these days. I'm beginning to think there's a man involved." Morgana gave Gwen a teasing smirk and shared a glance with Madelyn making the seamstress chuckle and shaking her head. The two had made a small bet on if there was someone who interested Gwen on not. Morgana was sure it was a man and so Madelyn could only bet against.

"When do I get to meet decent men?" They all smiled and laughed and Madelyn smiled a victorious smile towards  Morgana, maybe Madelyn would win this bet.

The road was narrow making Madleyn ride behind the two, and she felt shivers down her spine. Suddenly yells were heard and bandits ran and rode down the slope on both sides of the road attacking. Swords rang as they met and although the guards faught with all their might they were soon overpowered and the girls were dragged down from their horses by the bandits. As the bandits that held them were killed by knights the girls ran towards the safety of the woods but was stopped by a man and other bandits.

"I warn you. I am Uther Pendragon's ward. He'll have your heads if any harm come to me." Morgana's voice filled the air and made some men chuckle and the one seeming like the leader pulled down the fabric coveringhalf his face.

"I have no intention of harming you. At least not yet. You're much more valuable to me alive, lady Morgana."


The day was getting late as the bandits stopped and made camp, a tent was set up for the girls to stay in. They stood by the opening watching the leader, Kendrick move towards the tent. Quickly Morgana turned towards the other two and whispered. "He's coming, you know what you both must do?" Madelyn and Gwen nodded.

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