#25 Queen of hearts

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Here we go! I hope everyone is okay that this is the next written chapter, also I'm sorry for taking forever to update. Read and enjoy!

Smiling wide and with a blush covering her cheeks Madelyn put away the letter she received from Lancelot. She had a small chest that was half full with his letters and the ribbons he bound them with. Madelyn couldn't write as many letters as she received since he was sometimes traveling around, but it didn't matter to any of them. Madelyn longed for him, to see him again and she hoped the days until they met were few.

Since Gwaine had left alot had happend in Camelot and of course Merlin had been in the middle of most things. First Merlin had tried to stop what he thought was Morgana trying to assassinate Uther, but instead she was injured severely and it ended with Merlin saving her. During her time of sickness Gaius had been informed by the king that Morgana was actually his daughter, and Merlin had been told and he had told Madelyn.

After that event there were almost a wedding between Arthur and a princess called Elena. Apparently Elena had been under a spell for a long time from her nanny who was a Sidhe but Merlin saved her. Gwen had been devastated during that time and Madelyn had comforted her, thankfully Arthur didn't go through with the wedding. Not many weeks after that Gwen had been captured by Cendred's men and was forced to bring Arthur to Cendred if she didn't want her brother Elyan to die. Arthur and Merlin went with her to save Elyan and after they returned Merlin told Madelyn how Morgana tried to ruin everything and how she got them all captured. Thank God for Arthur and Merlin managing to get them all away and now Elyan had settled in Camelot and was now working at his and Gwen's father's forge.

The next adventure Merlin had been to was to save Arthur from dying when he went to a quest to retrieve a golden trident from a fisher king, thankfully he had help from Gwaine and Merlin managed to help Arthur and the fisher king who apparently wasn't dead yet.

There had been something going on after that between Merlin, Gaius and a woman called Alice but Madelyn had not been involved or told about that. It seemed as if it was a sensitive topic and she didn't need to know, she simply helped Merlin when he needed advice or something mended and she supplied Gaius with thread for sewing patients.

Taking a deep breath and feeling the warm sun through the window Madelyn smiled before opening the shop. She was slightly thankfull that Morgana didn't ask for many dresses these days and Madelyn received work from others, both nobles and commoners so she wasn't in any loss of work. Her reputation at court had helped her tremendously  and the line of costumers had no end so far.


Madelyn smiled wide as she watched Gwen walk through the streets of Camelot in her pink dress, that dress had been a gift from Madelyn and she was so proud of it when she helped Gwen dress in it this morning. She loved making dresses for Gwen, it was as if Gwen was perfect in everything. Gwen always tried to tell Madelyn how she wanted to pay for the dresses but Madelyn wouldn't accept any money from her best friend. Madelyn watched as Merlin led Gwen to where she knew Arthur was waiting, the servant girl and the prince deserved a day together away from prying eyes and blabbing mouths.


Of course Morgana would ruin it all. Madelyn wasn't surprised or angry but Morgana's actions made Madelyn sad and disappointed. The lady who had been her friend for some time, who had been so caring and loving now seemed so full of hate and darkness that it almost scared Madelyn. And how could she do this to Gwen? The lady and her servant girl had been friends for so many years and now it was of those years didn't matter. And when she got Gwen banished from Camelot, why couldn't she be happy with that? Placing a poultice under Arthur's pillow so it looked as if Arthur was enchanted to get Gwen exicuted? Why was Morgana so angry and afraid of Gwen?

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