#15 Letter to Lancelot

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Here's the next chapter, it's kinda of an explanation of what happens during all the rest of the season up until the second to last episode! Enjoy!

My Ser Lancelot

Thank you for last letter, I'm glad you've found a suitable place to stay even if it is momentarily. Life here in Camelot goes on as it always has with unfortunate things happening alot, and yes Merlin is involved in almost all of it. The most obscure thing happend shortly after our encounter with Hengist. A noble lady arrived claiming to be someone called Lady Catrina of the house of Trevor, she caught the eye of the King but she turned out to be a troll! It was slightly hilarious if it wasn't so tragic how the King was under a spell so he couldn't see the true her but only the lady. Thankfully Merlin helped the kingdom, Arthur had to pretend to die and so Uther was saved.

Madelyn stopped her pen and hesitated, unsure if she wanted to write about the witchfinder that arrived and accused and almost had Merlin and later Gaius executed. She was so closs to losing people dear to her anx it still made her heart squeeze just thinking about it. She decided she wouldn't do it so she dipped the pen in ink and wrote:

Also I've witnessed for the first time someone beat Arthur in a sword fight since you did. Maybe even more surprising was that it was a woman who was the warrior and long story short Merlin ended up saving Arthur, Uther and the kingdom yet again.

Madelyn stopped yet again, she could not find it in her to write about Merlin's painful loss. The druid girl had been gone for a week until Merlin couldn't hold it in himself any longer and opened up to Madelyn. For many hours he spoke and cried for the girl he had met, that was different just like him but how their love couldn't be. He told her of how he had honored Freya by the lake, how beautiful she was and how gentle her soul had been but also about the curse that led to her death. That night Merlin fell asleep with his head on Madelyn's lap as they both cried. Merlin for the heartache and Madelyn for her brother's sake.

Otherwise it's been slightly calmer, we were on the brink of war once but thankfully Merlin saved the day, again. Merlin is not staying out of trouble no matter how much I hope and ask him to, he says it's a gift.

I write hoping this is not the calm before a storm but I'm afraid I have this feeling that everything is like a worned out leather and soon it will fall apart without warning. I hope I'm wrong.

I do hope with all my heart to see you again soon.

Yours truly Madelyn

With a sigh Madelyn looked out the window of her room to the streets of Camelot, every morning she woke up the feeling in her stomach got heavier and heavier. Something would happen in Camelot very soon and Madelyn prayed it wouldn't involve her brother or him beeing exposed as a sorcerer. Every time the door to the shop opened or a knock was heard and she wouldn't hear happy voices along with the opening of the door she feared it would be someone there to tell her about something horrible happening to her brother. Madelyn made sure to busy herself with work, sewing new gowns for Morgana or other customers. She fixed every shirt and clothing of Merlin's until there was nothing to fix, she even moved over to the robes Gaius wore to busy her hands and mind. As Madelyn now was an agnolished seamstress of Camelot and the word of her reputation and skill continued to grow she found  much joy in her work as people more and more let Madelyn sew the dresses or robes in her own way. Madelyn now worked with Mary and Bernhard instead of for them and the income to the shop increased so much that they had considered expanding in some way. Madelyn had thoughts of buying a house of her own so the room she currently lived in could be used for sewing or storage but that had yet to be talked about.

The busy town and it's relatively noisy people calmed Madelyn's thoughts, everything seemed as it used to be. Maybe it was all her imagination, maybe nothing would happen. Maybe she was wrong.

I hope this okay for this chapter, as I said it's like a middle chapter until the two final episodes happens. Thanks for reading and voting, feel free to comment :)

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