#26 the coming of Arthur- part 1

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So sorry for all the waiting! I've had a super busy last weeks in school then been very busy starting work and celebrating 'Midsommar' (holiday here in Sweden. It's like a little like Christmas in the summer). Thanks to everyone for your patience, I'll try and update more often now.

A few days earlier...

"Finally made a dress for Ser Leon? " the comment from a one of the knights made Madelyn laugh. Or more the idea of him in a dress.

"I never have and never will wear a dress in my life!" Leon responded then turned back to Madelyn smiling. "No offense."

"None taken! Now have a safe travel, please be safe all of you." Smiling Madelyn nodded to all of the knights and Leon as they rode away on a search over Cendred's border.

Had she known what would have happend Madelyn would've tried everything to make them stay. But she didn't and now they were all dead. Madelyn had her shop closed today, a small black banner with a golden dragon adorning the sign to her shop as a tribute and symbol of grief. The loss of so many of Camlots knights took hard on the city and it's people, the brave men that symbolized courage and safety also showed the people a reassurance for their own safety and now they were gone and scared of the threat that was Cendred.

Madelyn had cried many tears for the loss, most of them for Leon that had been a close friend for some time now. They had met many times as Madelyn had visited his mother in her role as seamstress, and soon they found themselves laughing as friends do. Madelyn had become dear to many in the court, she made friends with most she met and so she also knew many of the other knights and their families. Edric's wife who just had their first son, Odric who just recently started courting the love of his life, all of them in such grief and pain.

Turning her head from the window and the rain outside Madelyn wiped her eyes. Tomorrow she would open the shop, but the small banner would stay up. She would help those in need, comfort and aid in any way she could.


"He's alive?" Madelyn questioned, watching her brother. "I thought he was dead?"

"He almost was! But then the druids saved him by him drinking from a cup that, according to Gaius, sounds like the cup of life!" Merlin sat across from his sister watching her hands move gracefully across the fabric. Her face tho showed a mixture of confusion, happiness and sadness.

"Only Leon survived?" Their eyes met for a second and Merlin answered with a nod. A long silence filled the room until Merlin interrupted it.

"Do you think I could've saved them if I was there?" Merlin's voice was filled with sadness. Madelyn looked back up at him and she knew that he had been thinking about this alot.

"We cannot know, and maybe we shouldn't guess." Reaching out Madelyn grabbed his hand that layed on the table. "They were sent there by orders of the king, Cendred and his men are the once to blame for the knights deaths." Smiling Merlin nodded in response, grateful for his sister's response he kissed her head before walking home. What would he do without her?

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