#13 dangerous reunion - part 2

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Sorry for taking so long to write, a lot of things happend because the situation in the world, but I'm safe and feeling fine. I hope everyone out there is doing well, I'm so sorry for anyone who is sick or has lost someone. Let's stay calm and collected and be safe :)

Now this is the chapter is where Gwen's special someone is introduced. Enjoy!

Gwen and Madelyn had been able to meet a short while, the men had brought Madelyn to Gwen's cell and after Madelyn told Gwen about meeting Lancelot it was Gwen's turn to speak. Madelyn couldn't believe it.

"William is here?" Madelyn sat with her mouth almost wide open looking at the smiling Gwen.

"Yes. Apparently after he left Camelot those years ago he and my brother parted and he ended up  here a few months ago." Gwen smiled slightly. Madelyn remembered William, he had been close friend with Gwen and her brother Elyan and when Elyan left William decided to go with him. This all happend shortly after Madelyn had come to Camelot so she hadn't really been the closest friends with any of them but eventually she and Gwen became closer and that's when Gwen had opened up about her feelings for William.

"Gwen... why is it you don't seem happy about these news?" Madelyn gently held the hand of her friend.

"He... I never knew for sure if Will held the same feelings for me as I did for him, and now I never thought I would see him again." Gwen looked down at her hands sadly, she had gotten over Will but now there was this new thing with ... she sighed. "Why is love so complicated?" Her mumbles surprised Madleyn.

"Gwen, if there's anything you want to talk about I'm here for you." Madelyn's words snapped Gwen out of thought and as they looked at each other Gwen realised she needed someone to talk to.

"Arthur kissed me."  Gwen held her eyes on Madelyn's face and she saw how Madelyn's mind tried to understand the words.

"He...The prince? " Madelyn's confused face held a little doubt but as Gwen nodded it was as if Madelyn suddenly realised. "He kissed you! You kissed him! That's.... wow.... when?! Wait, was it during the tournament when he pretended to be someone else?" Madelyn's outburst and excited face made Gwen smile slightly and nodded, Madelyn and Merlin looked so much alike at the moment. "Wow..." Madelyn finally calmed down and just starred at the wall.

" So..." Gwen looked down as she didn't know what her friend thought. Madelyn looked at her and realised the situation. Not only was Gwen developing feelings for the Prince but now there was someone else, William, here. Quickly she pulled Gwen into a caring and gentle hug, comforting her friend as Gwen finally could cry. Tears for herself, the situation they both where in aswell as the situation with her heart.


Hengist was not overjoyed when he realised a ransom hadn't come for the lady Morgana, his patience was wearing thin and only gave the girls two more days to live. When he had finished threatening and telling the girls what he would do if he didn't receive the payment he pulled Madelyn out of the room.

"Walk!" He kept a tight hold of her arm as she was dragged along, her feet almost tripping. The walk carried them to the room where she had been sewing last time and now there was a new girl standing there.

"You better make tonight's dress the best you've ever made if you want to keep breathing." Hengist's laughter as he left the room made the bones in Madelyn's body freeze. She calmed down when she saw the fabric that the bandits had brought in, they where finer than the ones yesterday so the bandits had probably robbed some poor merchant.
After measuring the girl and making sure she used the finest fabrics she sat down and thought of what to do, how would she and Gwen make it out of this? Her hands worked fast and precise and she didn't see when the other girl slowly sneaked out of the room.

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