#7 the beginning of something wonderful - part 4

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Seriously? Part 4? Wow this is a lot longer than I imagined. I hope you're all enjoying reading.

Merlin couldn't tell who seemed most nervous, Madelyn or Lancelot. He knew Madelyn was nervous but tried to hide it for Lancelot's sake, to a stranger she looked very calm and collected but he knew. Lancelot kept glancing at her and Merlin noticed that everytime he did Madelyn met his gaze and smiled and Lancelot visibly relaxed.

"Your time starts now." As soon Arthur finished his little speech and the both men had put on their helmets Madelyn knew she couldn't hide her nervousness any more, time stood still and she held her breath. Only when she grabbed Merlin in anxiety she realised she had to breath but her eyes never left the man in orange fighting the prince in red. It was so mighty watching them fight, no one better then the other. It was almost beautiful how they fought.

Suddenly Arthur got in a hit on Lancelot's head making Lancelot fall to the ground and his helmet to fly off. Madelyn stood frozen in place with one hand over her mouth and her other hand gripping Merlin's shirt tightly. Everyone's eyes followed Arthur as he put his sword into the ground and walked to remove Lancelot's flag that was in his belt.

"Shame." Just as Arthur was about to pull the flag it was as if Lancelot found a new inner strength and he flew up at Arthur and swept away Arthur's feet making the prince fall. Suddenly Lancelot was standing over Arthur with a sword pointing at the prince's chest and it was dead quiet until Lancelot spoke.

"Do you submit, sire?" Madelyn could almost cry in happiness, relived it was over and for Lancelot sake that he reached his dream. She smiled up at Merlin as he held an arm his sister's shoulder smiling his widest aswell. Quick movements made the siblings look at the scene and now Lancelot was on his knees being held by guards as Arthur pointed his sword at Lancelot's chest. It was lucky Merlin held his sister firmly in his arms as she almost run up them doing God knows what.


Madelyn couldn't help herself from smiling and giggling as she paced back and forth in the hallway. She wasn't allowed into the great hall as Lancelot was being knighted but she didn't care. She was happy. Closing her eyes she stoped and listened as the people started cheering inside and she smiled wider. Opening her eyes again she looked a final time at the door before leaving, walking home. She knew it would be a celebration in Lancelot, Sir Lancelot's honour and she was not to be there. Why would a seamstress be present at such celebration? Yet that didn't fade the smile as she walked home. She truly felt happiness.


A rapid knocking was heard not long after Madelyn arrived home and she opened the door finding Merlin standing there together with Gwen.


"We don't have time to talk!" Merlin busted in through the door followed by Gwen.

"We need to pick your dress right now." Merlin disappeared into Madelyn's room and to her dresser as Gwen took over.

"Madelyn, I've known you for years now and I know how your mind works. And I know that you've always had ideas that you've made into shape, and by shape I mean clothes. Am I wrong?"

"I...no?" Madelyn answered with a confused face making Gwen smile wide and clapped her hands.

"Good! Where's the dress you've made for Morgana?"

"Gwen how did you kno-... never mind. Here. But it's not finished! It doesn't have any sleeves." Madelyn pulled out a deep purple gown looking at her friend. Before Gwen could take it Madelyn turned it out of reach.

Merlin's sister the seamstress - lancelot love storyWhere stories live. Discover now