#19 The last Dragonlord - part 4

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The ride had been very quiet and gloom, not many words were spoken. Madelyn knew all of them had a lot on their minds, Merlin finding out about his father, herself remembering moments of her childhood and Arthur who had a whole kingdom to save. As they had reached a small village it was pouring down and Madelyn had pulled the hood from her cloak closer around her, when they had entered the inn she hadn't dared to pull the hood down.

Luckily there was a vacant room with three beds and somehow Merlin fixed a makeshift divider so Madelyn had her own privacy in the room. Laying down, tired and weary from everything Madelyn couldn't fight the sleep and soon she was sleeping not able to listen in on the conversation between her brother and the prince.

Merlin p.o.v.

Why couldn't Arthur just shut up? Merlin screamed internally as Arthur kept poking and speaking about what troubled the servant.

"I'm worried about everyone back in Camelot. I hope they're alright." Merlin prayed Arthur would fall for the lie.

"So do I." Thank the gods. Merlin sighed relieved hearing Arthur's reply and went back to trying to sleep. After a short while there was a whimper heard. Is Arthur... crying? Turning around slightly Merlin saw Arthur looking at him confused, he must have heard it aswell. A pained cry was heard and Merlin knew who it was and threw himself out of the bed and towards where Madelyn slept. As he came around the screen he saw her twisting and turning, her face pained with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Maddy! Wake up!" Merlin knew of her recent nightmares and how she avoided sleeping and so he threw himself towards her and tried to shake her awake. With a scream Madelyn opened her eyes and her hands gripped tightly onto his shirt, not fully awake.

Madelyn p.o.v.

Fire. Pain. Screaming. Pain. Fire. Flames. Pain. Bernhard dead. Mary dead. Gwen dead. Arthur dead. Merlin dead. The necklace broken.
Madelyn tried to breath but felt like she was choking and tried to scream. All of a sudden she realised she was screaming and she was awake, her brother was sitting in front of her and his mouth was moving. Crying she collapsed into his arms, his sweet words of comfort acted as a shield during the rest of the night.


3rd p.o.v.

The night was dark and the morning still some hours away when the door to the room slowly opened. Quiet steps crept closer to the bag by the prince bed and just as the hand almost touched it... A strong grip held onto the wrist of the thief, the prince was awake.

Madelyn and Merlin woke up from sleeping in Madelyn's bed, hearing a slight cry and both hurried to see what was going on. On Merlin's empty bed was a man sprawled out and held down by the prince. A long knife was held by Arthur, threatening the stranger.

"Do you know what the punishment is for theft?" Arthur's deadly threat almost scared Madelyn, Merlin held her closer to him in comfort.

"No, please! I've got children to feed." The man was scared, no doubt for anyone.

"Tell me where to find Balinor."


"Tell me what you know of him."

"Nothing. I-" Madelyn felt Merlin's grip tighten slightly, the lie obvoius. Arthur apparently thought so aswell.

"Do you value your life?" The calm and coldness of Arthur's voice work almost like magic.

"It's been years since I saw him!"

"You know where he lives?" Madelyn felt her heart beat faster and faster.

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