#17 the last Dragonlord part 2

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Merlin p.o.v.
Merlin ran up the stairs after releasing Kilgharrah, he heard the bells ringing and the people screaming but all he could focus on was the feeling in his gut. Something was wrong with Madelyn.

As soon as he saw the state Camelotme as in his heart dropped and as he was about to run towards the shop he was stopped by the prince.

"Merlin, didn't you hear me call your name? I've been looking for you. Get somewhere safe and help Gaius." Merlin shook his head and tried to get past Arthur but the prince held a firm grip in Merlin's shirt. "Didn't you hear me? You're not running that way!"

"I have... Madelyn lives that way. Please Arthur let me through. " Merlin looked at the prince with slightly teary eyes. As Arthur looked around he saw his knights and guards ready around them.

"Fine, we'll go." Arthur spoke to Merlin before turning towards his men. "Let's spread out, look for survivors and tell everyone to get to safety. Don't try to fight the dragon right now, the safety of the people comes first. Be careful." With his words and a nod they all ran out on the streets of Camelot and Merlin ran fast towards his sister, Arthur following.

Madelyn p.o.v.

The first thing Madelyn felt as she came to was the banging, like it was someone far away who hammered. She was tired and didn't want to open her eyes, also why was her bed so hard? Suddenly something crashed making her open her eyes slightly and blinking dazed. Confused she looked around and saw ... Merlin yelling? Or was he talking? She saw his lips moving but she couldn't hear him, what was that ringing inside her head? Something, no someone was standing behind Merlin, looking around and hurried across the room towards a huge pile of stones and debris not far from Madelyn. She kept her eyes on the prince, what on earth was he doing going through that debris? And why was Merlin trying to talk to her? She looked back at Merlin when suddenly she felt pain in her head and she hissed and moved her hand towards it. Something wet and sticky was in her hair, she moved her hand down and looked at it, it was red. She she blinked and looked back at her brother who sat holding her in his arms. "M-merlin? " a sudden feeling of tiredness hit her and the last thing she heard was someone yelling her name.

Arthur p.o.v.
Arthur turned towards his servant as he heard Merlin's yell. Sadness filled his heart, watching his fr- servant hold onto his sister with all his might. Arthur turned his eyes back to the man and woman laying still under the pile of debris, their eyes closed, their faces pale. A gasp emitted from the man and Arthur hurried closer as the man looked around. "Hey, it's okay. I'll get you out of this and you'll be okay." Arthur tried sounding convincing as he tried to move one of the huge stoned that layed on the man. A hand resting on his arm made him stop and he looked down at the man.

"It's no use, sire. I won't last much longer." The man's voice was weak and dry. Arthur watched the man look to his side and towards the woman who was laying there. The prince saw the old man squeeze her cold hand slightly before he looked back at Arthur. " Tell Madelyn we're.." the man's voice gave up and made him cough and Arthur could see blood in his mouth. "...we're so proud of her." Arthur nodded as he couldn't muster to speak. The man smiled at the prince. "Thank you, sire. Y-you'll be a great ....k-king... someday..." the man's voice ended aswell as his breathing, his eyes empty. Arthur closed the man's eyes and stood up and turned towards Merlin. Seeing his servant struggling to hold Madelyn, Arthur walked up and took Madelyn from Merlin's arms, carrying her bridal style.

"Merlin. She needs to get to Gaius."

Madelyn's dream p.o.v.
Screaming, crying and sounds of battle filled Madelyn's vague dreams and mind. Images flashing by were consumed by fire making no sense to her, why was she seeing this? As soon as Madelyn reached out to touch an image it disappeared and this went on and on for what felt like days to Madelyn. Lost in a maze of nightmares and confusing shapes Madelyn collapsed closing her eyes to try and focus on the sounds. Someone was calling her voice.

Merlin p.o.v.
Sitting by his sister side Merlin felt helpless, she wasn't very injured and Gaius had cleaned her wound on her head. She probably had a concussion but she should be awake by now, according to Gaius. Carefully he held her hand, closing his eyes and tried to focus on her feelings, his mind calling her name.

Madelyn's dream p.o.v.
"Madelyn! " there it was again! With closed eyes Madelyn stood up, walking towards the voice and relief washed over her as the voice got stronger and stronger. Suddenly when the voice sounded very close her feet stopped, and Madelyn could help herself and opened her eyes and found her feet stuck as if in mudd and all of a sudden everything went quiet. A sudden movement caused Madelyn to look to her left. There stood... "Bernhard? What are you doing here?" Madelyn voice sounded as if it was far away.

"They'll find her." His words confused Madelyn, yet they sounded familiar. A shape appeared beside Bernhard.

"Mary? What's going on!?" Madelyn asked a little scared, her heart beating faster. Her feet was still stuck but now Madelyn tried to move, something told her she had to reach them.

"We'll be fine. You'll be fine." Mary and Bernhard took each others hands and smiled warmly at Madelyn. Madelyn felt tears falling down her face as she struggled to reach them. Suddenly rumble and stones fell down over the two and Madelyn screamed.



"NOOOOO!" Madelyn sat up startled screaming in Merlin's arms, tears falling down her face. She knew it was real and she cried clinging onto Merlin, her pain and sadness for the loss heard by everyone in the hall.

Second part! I tried using 'p.o.v.' as it might be easier to understand. Let me know if I should keep writing that :)

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