#6 the beginning of something wonderful- part 3

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As usual all rights goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn.

Since Lancelot's tryout Madelyn and Lancelot met and spoke many times and even tho he did not say it out loud Lancelot felt that it was thanks to Madelyn's encouraging words that he kept on going, doing all the shores he was given. Gwen had noticed a change in Madelyn and spoke to her about and when Gwen finally knew why she would not stop hinting about it being more than friendship between them but Madelyn laughed it of and changed subject.

Today Madelyn strolled through the streets of Camelot when she noticed a certain someone sharpening swords. She smiled and walked closer.

"I'm sure Camelot never have had such fine sharp swords." Lancelot smiled to himself as he recognised the voice that lingered on his mind as he slept and he looked up at the woman standing behind him glancing down at the sword in his hand.

"If you say so, my lady." Madelyn laughed when she heard what he called her, they had realised Lancelot couldn't help himself and sometimes called her my lady.

"I do say so sir knight, in fact I'm sure they are the finest in the land." Madelyn teased back. Just as Lancelot look back up from the sword he noticed something that flew towards Madelyn and he quickly reached out and took it, his arm just beside Madelyn's head startling them both. The broom in his hand had been thrown by the prince and surely was never close to hit Madelyn but Lancelot wasn't happy, but held it down as he held it in his hand and bowed at Arthur as Madelyn curtsied.

"Would you like me to sweep the guardhouse again, sire?"

"It certainly needs sweeping, but first..." Arthur removed the bristles of another broom keeping the stick in his hand.
"... I'd like you to kill me." Madelyn stepped back slightly looking between the two men as they approached each other.


"Come on, don't pretend you don't want to." Arthur glanced at Madelyn and Lancelot removed the bristles on his broom aswell.

"Hell if I where you I'd want to. Come on."

Intrigued Madelyn and others watched as the two fought. Arthur even tried to mock Lancelot but Lancelot held himself in check. Eventually Arthur got in a hit on Lancelot breaking up the fight.

"Congratulations Lancelot, you just made basic training. " Arthur tossed the broomstick to Lancelot and Madelyn stepped up to Lancelot smiling wide but the joy was cut short as the warning bell sounded and Madelyn and Lancelot followed as Arthur ran towards the screaming.

Soon Madelyn found Merlin and Gaius tending to the injured people that had arrived. Madelyn led the way holding onto Lancelot's hand. Merlin paused his greeting seeing their interaction but as Madelyn arrived she let go of Lancelot to bend her knees as she comforted an injured child. She turned her gaze to Merlin with sadness in her eyes.

"What happend to these people?"

"Their village was attacked by a winged monster." As Gaius replied Lancelot and Merlin looked at each other.


The next day Madelyn had finished sewing the last dress of the orders that had been made, she was worried about Mary and Bernhard and therefore she had occupied herself with sewing. What if they had been attacked during their way back to Camelot? Her thoughts were interrupted with an eager knocking, Madelyn made her way towards the door but before she could open up the knocking continued.

"Madelyn?" She smiled and opened the door inviting the knocker.

"Lancelot, what has made you so eager? Are you alright? Is it merlin? Madelyn's smile fell as she saw how the man paced back and forth in the shop.

"What? No! There's... It's... I can't believe it..." Lancelot mumbled to himself and didn't stop pacing until he felt soft hands take a hold of his making him stop and look at Madelyn.

"What has happend Lancelot? " Lancelot took a better hold of Madelyn's hands in his and smiled wide.

"I am to go through my test, the test of being a knight." Madelyn gave out a small joyful sound and hugged Lancelot close laughing as he spun them around.

"I'm so happy for you Lancelot." Lancelot stoped and put Madelyn down but kept his arms on her waist as she smiled up at him with her hands on his shoulders.

"I know you will pass it and you'll be the finest knight that Camelot has ever seen. When is it?" Madelyn felt her heart beat fast in joy but seeing the smile falter from Lancelot'slips she got worried.

"Lancelot? What is it?"

"I-it's tomorrow. what if I don't pass?" Lancelot closed his eyes but soon he felt a gentle and warm hand on his cheek making him look down at her.

"Please do not worry Lancelot, there has never been someone more trained and suited as a knight of Camelot than you. Everyone will love you, you have my word." Her soothing words made him smile again.

"Will you be there?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Madelyn answered staring into his eyes. Lancelot opened his mouth, feeling his heart beat for this woman he finally knew what it wanted.

"Madelyn I-..."

*bam* The door flew open startling them so they parted and Merlin busted in smiling his biggest smile.

"Arthur told me! Congratulations Lancelot! I knew it. This needs to be celebrated." Lancelot just smiled down as Merlin kept talking and as he glanced at Madelyn she blushed and smiled back. He was supported all the way by the two siblings and wouldn't let them down.


Sorry for not posting this weekend, been sick for a few days. Also I'm sorry that it's so short but I wanted to post something for you all to read :)

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