#24 Gwaine

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Here he comes! My second favourite knight!

Madelyn stood facing her brother with her arms crossed, her face showing no sign of amusement.


"I know and I'm sorry but Arthur insisted we stoped at a tavern and we ended up in a bar fight and also someone else and he ended up hurt and so he's sleeping I my bed now and -" Madelyn eyes widened and she saw Merlin's face red as he continued on rambling without leaving room for breath and so she held up her hand over his mouth smiling.

"Breath, please Merlin." Madelyn chuckled slightly as Merlin took a deep breath as he leaned towards a wall." I'll have your and Arthur's shirts mended shortly, don't worry. Now go tend to your guest, I'll bring them as soon as they're done." Madelyn smiled as her brother grinned widely and kissed her forehead before leaving her house. She had hoped when she saw her brother leave for a hunt trip that he and the prince would managed to stay out of trouble but when did Merlin ever stay out of trouble? Smiling and shaking her head she looked at the shirts, might aswell mend them right away.


Walking through the streets towards the castle with a few clothing deliveries Madelyn smiled as she looked at the familiar faces, but all of a sudden her path was blocked by a smiling young man holding out a small flower.

"I believe this belongs to you. " Madelyn simply smiled kindly at the man, sure he was handsome but he knew it and seemed like the kind that said these things all day with a charming smirk on his face.

"I don't think so, it's not my color." The man seemed to not want to give up.

"Ah well... let us see." The man gently put the flower in her hair and Madelyn shook her head internally at the man's attempt.

"If I hadn't seen you take this flower seconds ago I would've bet you'd got a whole bunch of these flowers hidden somewhere." Madelyn smiled but raised an eyebrow and tilting her head.

"Never, yours the only one." The smirking man held up hos empty hands and it amused Madelyn but she found his words had no effect and smiling she remembered Lancelot's face. Shaking her head slightly Madelyn tried to move past the man but he wouldn't give up so easily, instead he stepped towards her. "I'm Gwaine." Beeing polite Madelyn shook his outstretched hand but as she moved to walk away she found her hand still in his as he gently wouldn't let go. "You haven't told me your name. You look like a princess to me, so it's probably something like Sophia or... Esmeralda. That's it. Princess Esmeralda." Madelyn studied the smug looking man named Gwaine for a second before shaking her head, but as he bowed to her as if she was royal she looked around and people had started looking at them.

"Please, stop it. People are staring. " Madelyn didn't need or even like a lot of attention and she felt a slight blush reach her cheeks, Gwaine simply kept in his bow.

"Not until you tell me your name. " He had his methods, she would give him that.

"It's Madelyn, now please stop." Madelyn glanced around missing the smirk on Gwaine's lips.

"There. That wasn't so hard was it?" Shaking her head once again Madelyn tried to walk towards the castle once more, but again her path was blocked by Gwaine and he reached for the basket she held.

"Here, let me carry that. A princess shouldn't have to lump her washing around." As he reached for her basket Madelyn pulled it away.

"Well, unfortunately for you and lucky for me I'm not a princess."

"Ah! But you see... you are to me." At Gwaine's attempt Madelyn couldn't help but to laugh. Apparently Gwaine finally understood. "This isn't working, is it?" Shaking her head Madelyn smiled warmly and patted his arm.

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