#21 The events of a year

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One year. It had been over a year since the Great Dragon attacked Camelot. A year since Arthur "mortally" wounded the Dragon and Most of Camelot survived. Well, Madelyn knew it was all thanks to Merlin but that was not something she could or would tell anyone. A year since the roof of the shop collapsed and killed Mary and Bernhard and many more of Camelot's people. A year since their father died.

Sighing Madelyn looked out the window, after the attack Madelyn had went back to Ealdor for a few weeks to mourn and spend time with her mother. It had not been easy to tell her mother of the man that had been gone from their lives but Hunith had shedd a few tears, smiled and then hugged her daughter. The rest of that evening they had been talking and sharing memories of Balinor and Madelyn had told of the man that had died for his children.

Upon returning to Camelot Madelyn had started planning the rebuilding of the shop, well the rebuilding of Camelot came first, the sorting out and helping getting everyone a roof over their head. Much had happend during her time away but far from everything had been rebuilt. Also as soon as the Dragon was gone, Uther had spent soldiers and knights on finding the lost lady Morgana so the rebuilding of houses and the city took longer time than expected. Eventually the surviving people of Camelot had started having a life again and so Madelyn helped people in the way she knew best, mending and sewing clothes for those in need and she didn't want payment. A lot of the fabrics of the shop had somehow survived and so Madelyn helped many people feel less cold with giving out clothes that she spent the night sewing. When the time came for Madelyn to start working with rebuilding the shop many people stepped in and helped her as she had helped them and soon she had a place for her to sleep and have a shop, thou it was in a different location then before and also much smaller but Madelyn felt no distress. She was alive and well.

Smiling slightly she grabbed the necklace that hung around her neck, the gift from Lancelot had been found under all the debris from the old shop by Merlin and Madelyn hadn't stopped thanking him ever since.

The year had passed by so fast, Madelyn had received a few letters from Lancelot and had replied, their hearts longing for eachother very noticeable if anyone would read the letters. She often dreamed of him returning but she knew it was not yet time, but she couldn't help but wish that day would come soon.

A knock on her door made her smile, she knew the owner of the eager knock and before she even were able to stand up to open the door the door opened and a familiar raven haired boy entered.

"Maddy! Please, help me!" Stumbling inside with his arms full of shirts Madelyn smiled gently before shaking her head slightly.

"Let me guess..." stopping and coughing slightly to prepare her voice Madelyn saw Merlin roll his eyes. "...you need help mending these shirts. "Arthur is a complete clotpole, he's so messy, he's so ungrateful, if he knew all the things I'd done for him"." Madelyn mocked by trying to lower her voice to sound like Merlin as she took the shirts from his arms. Merlin rolled his eyes yet again but couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his lips.

"Well...yeah." Laughing alongside his sister he scratched the back of his head making Madelyn raise an eyebrow, there was more...

"And..?" Smiling she looked at her brother.

"Ehm...and they're needed ready tomorrow..." Merlin tried hiding the final word with a cough but if didn't slip past Madelyn.

"Tomorrow? *sigh* alright. But Merlin tell me, why am I doing this?" Turning over the shirts and assessing the damage she waited for the answer but as she heard none she turned back towards her brother she found him lost in his thoughts, starring out the window with a pained look. Slowly walking closer to Merlin, Madelyn rested a hand on his arm.

"Merlin?" His head turned towards her and she saw his pained look.

"We're going out to continue the search for Morgana..." with a heavy sigh he sat down on a bench and rested his face in his hands, Madelyn slowly sat down beside him. "It's been more than a year since I..."

Madelyn pulled Merlin into a hug, he never fully stopped blaming himself for the pain he caused Arthur and Uther after Morgana was taken away.

"I'll have them ready tomrrow." Kissing Merlin's head Madelyn held him close, comforting him as much as he needed. He would always be her little brother and she would always worry whenever he was sad or he left to join Arthur on a hunt or a trip.

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Short but it's only a little chapter, I guess you can call it a recap? If there's ever any questions on the content or the story feel free to ask or pm me :)

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