#22 The tears of Uther Pendragon

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Madelyn couldn't decide what to feel. Of course she was overjoyed that Morgana was found, they were really friends. At the same time her brother had been the one to try and poison the king's ward to save Camelot and her anxious nerves made her walk restless in her house, waiting to see if Merlin showed up this evening. Realising that pacing didn't help Madelyn sat down and looked at her hands, they were shaking. Slowly lifting her gaze she saw the dress that sat on a wooden mannequin, the dress that Uther wanted made for when Morgana came home. It had been ready for over half a year and now it was to be altered, Madelyn knew that a year could do alot to change the form of a body and one who might have been in captivity ... Madelyn sighed sad and shook her head. She knew how Morgana had been before she went missing but she would never want anyone to be taken and held captured for so long, gone for a year.

A hurried knock made Madelyn flinch and she had barely unhatched the door before Merlin hurried inside and hugged his sister.

"She's said nothing .... yet." Merlin's voice was but a whisper as he hugged his sister tight and the rest of the evening was spent the two dining together, not knowing what the following day would bring.


Madelyn had been awake and dressed for only a few minutes when a smiling Gwen came knocking on the door, Morgana had woken up and so Gwen asked if Madelyn would join her with greeting the lady. Smiling widely Madelyn agreed and now they were almost at her room when they were greeted by Arthur who smiled extra wide towards Gwen. As Arthur passed them Madelyn glanced towards Gwen with a slight smirk on her face which was met with a nudge from Gwen. Just as they were to enter Morgana's room they come face to face with...

"Merlin." Gwen who didn't think much about Merlin exiting the lady's room passed him with a greet and a smile but Madelyn stopped and put a hand on his arm. Glancing to see that Gwen was out of hearing she turned fully towards her brother.

"Well?" Her hands gripped his and she looked up at him worried, her stomach twisting and turning. Merlin looked at her, his face showed nothing for a few seconds but soon his wide grin showed and he hugged his sister tight, his smile reaching from ear to ear.

"It's all alright, she said she understands and would've done the same." His whispering voice was filled with joy and you could hear his smile, it made Madelyn laugh in relief and she felt thousand times lighter.

"Thank God." Hugging him a final time she smiled up at him before entering Morgana's room with a smile to match the warmth of the sun.


Madelyn didn't take long with hugging Morgana welcome back, she saw how much Morgana still needed rest. The hug and Madelyn's eyes watching the lady was all the measurements the seamstress needed to do the final adjustments and so she spent the rest of the morning hours finishing the glimmering creamy white dress.

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