#4 The beginning of something wonderful

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Finally! The chapter I've been waiting and dying to wright! I might divide this part into two chapters at least.
As usual, all credit goes to the creators of Merlin I only own Madelyn.

Madelyn hadn't left Merlin's side during when he was poisoned and tried to not be to worried when she now was back to work, sewing and doing what she knew best. She was so comfortable and used to doing it that when Mary and Bernhard left for a trip to find new inspiration and fabrics she was left taking care of the shop. She knew she had her hands full with the orders they already had so she didn't need to keep the shop open to bring in new customers. She had just finished sewing another new shirt for Merlin as he probably had ruined yet another one during a trip in the woods, so she was making her way up to the castle. Gaius had informed her earlier during the day that he had sent Merlin to collect herbs, mushrooms and other ingredients in the forest so Madelyn decided to come back later, which was now during the evening. She smiled and nodded gently, greeting those she met and stopping to exchange a few words to friends and acquaintances. She also managed to dodge the butcher's youngest son who always seemed to need a new shirt or "accidentally " bumped into her during her visit to the market, the baker, customers and even just to the well pump to get water. This was a good day, Madelyn felt lighter in her steps and as if the sun shone brighter over the tops of the forest. She could hear the birds sing and she felt at peace.

Knocking on the door to the court- physician she waited until Merlin opened before entering. She almost immediately was hugged quickly by her dearest little brother.

"Merlin? Any reason as to why you're hugging me as if you almost died today?" Madelyn's laughter was not joined in by Merlin's and he tensed up making her realise that to them her words had been true. She pulled away slightly and her hands went straight to his face and looked him over with worry. Merlin smiled and grimaced slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm completely fine Maddy. Thou my saviour wasn't as lucky. " Merlin looked at the bed in the middle of the room and led her to the man laying on it. Madelyn felt her heart skip multiple beats as she looked upon the face of the man that saved Merlin and she didn't realise that the others had spoken until Merlin put his hand on her arm.

"W-what? Sorry what did you say?" Madelyn felt her face get warm and she blushed, wait why did she do blush she thought. She was met with a confused look on her brother's face.

"I asked if you could maybe fix this shirt? It's his and I washed it but it needs mending. Please?" Gently Madelyn took the shirt in her hands and she found herself nodding before she even understood what Merlin said. The rest of the evening she spent mending the shirt as well as watching the handsome stranger being cared for by Gaius and Merlin while glancing at the man, wishing he would get better. As she finished mending, which took a little longer than it should because Madelyn took the opportunity to mend other holes in the shirt aswell, she hugged them goodnight and glanced a final time at the sleeping man before leaving for the night. At her own room, which was a small room connected with a door to the shop, she found herself smiling before she fell asleep.


Lancelot couldn't believe his eyes as he looked down at the town from the window in the room he had woken up in. Camelot was bustling with so many people and he even got a glimpse of some knights making him smile wide. He was finally here, and inside the castle even! Merlin had explained to him how he had been brought here since he was injured and he could stay in Merlin's room as long as he needed. Merlin truly was selfless and had even cleaned and fixed his shirt. Lancelot looked down at his shirt, it truly looked different after being mended, probably better than when it was new. How Merlin was so good at sewing he didn't know but he knew he had to thank both Merlin and Gaius for their hospitality.

Time went by and Lancelot kept watch from the window and he smiled every time he remembered he wasn't dreaming. Suddenly something caught his eye and he saw someone move through the streets, almost floating in her grazeful walk towards the castle. Her raven hair shone in the sun and fell beautiful down her back, top half pulled into a braid and the simple dress suited her so perfect. She surely must be a lady or maybe this was the lady Morgana, but why would she be wearing such dress and the people didn't seem to react as if the woman was a noble. He felt his eyes wanting to follow her every step and he found himself smiling as he saw her help an old lady carry a basket, how she stoped and spoke to some people in the market and even how she played a little ball with the children. Sadly she disappeared from his sight as she got to close to the castle and Lancelot found his heart skip a beat as he imagined himself run after her just to see her face. The door to the room opened and he swung around but it was Merlin.


After eating the both males spoke of dreams and hopes and Lancelot told Merlin of how much he dreamed of being a knight of Camelot.

"Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of coming here. It's my life's ambition to join the knights of Camelot. I known what you're thinking. I...I expect too much. After all, who am I? They have their pick of the best and bravest of the land."


"Yes?" Lancelot turned to his newfound friend.

"They are going to love you!"

"They are?"

"I've seen you in action. You could shame the great Arthur himself."

"I hardly think so."

"In fact, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to talk to him right now." Lancelot looked shocked at Merlin.

"You know Arthur?"

"Oh yes." With that Merlin left with a new goal in mind, to get Lancelot a chance to prove himself to Arthur.

I hope you feel like the first impression was okay, it's difficult to describe the vision I have.

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