A Horrible Accident

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Hey guys! If you have read my other Favre my Sabre book I Suggest you read it. It will make this book make a lot more sense. For those who have read the last book I would like to say this. This is kind of a second book in a way. It's more like a Au ish.... I am not sure. This is a mix of TheFamousFilms series he does called FairyTale Origins. I hope all of you enjoy it and just look at my profile for book 1ish.
-A few months after the defeat of Demon Steve-
Galaxy Steve's point of view
"How are we suppose to bring them back to the under world?!" I asked The Guardian while me, Sabre, and Elemental Steve fought off Void Steve and Nightmare Steve. They came into this world somehow and we don't know how. We are trying to fight them off to keep them away from the Steve Village nearby. Rainbow Steve, Light Steve, Blue Steve, and the Overseer are ready in case they have to help us. Time Steve was having a problem with something, he has been gone for the last few days. Elemental Steve and Sabre were fighting off Void Steve. Me and the Guardian were fighting Nightmare Steve. The only problem is even though the seem weak. They haven't taken and damage. They are trying to attack Sabre the most and we don't know why. Everything has gone crazy since yesterday and I just hope we can fix this. I used some lighting on Nightmare Steve. He flew more to the ground, but it didn't seem to do any damage to him.
"They can't die, but we have to get them back."
"I would control them, but I don't have much power over that area. I would have to lock them in a machine to do that."
"I know, but Reverse Steve got out and we did that to him!"
"I know, let us just fend them off for now." I looked over to see how Elemental Steve and Sabre were doing. Sabre was a little beaten up, but Elemental Steve looked fine. I watched as slowly, but surely Nightmare Steve and Void Steve backed from us.
"I think it's time for us to go Nightmare Steve." My brother Void Steve said.
"Your right, but let's see if this works first." They both started to summon lighting in all of us and didn't stop. Most of us felt the pain, but would be fine. I watched as Sabre took a knee to the ground as he got hit. They didn't stop and I suddenly realized what they were doing. They are trying to kill Sabre. Without thinking I summoned some lighting on Sabre to teleport him back to the town, but the moment I tried I felt something strange. It worked, but not all the way. Sabre was gone. Nightmare Steve and Void Steve laughed then disappeared. I looked down at my hands worried....
"Where did you send Sabre?"
"I was sending him back to the town..."
"You sent him to a different world again didn't you?"
"No! I didn't! He was going their, then he wasn't."
"Was not?"
"I think... I was um to late......"
"To late?"
"I think Void Steve and Nightmare Steve were able to summon enough lighting on him that when I tired to teleport him... he um..."
"Yeah...." Their was a long painful pause as everyone took a second to think about it.
"At least he is a code jumper right? He isn't dead just went to the next work right?"
"Yeah... but this still isn't good."
"When Time Steve gets back he is going to kill you."
"I know! We will just get him back the same way we did last time."
"Isn't it going to be different?"
"Yeah it is.. I don't know when we will get their or if Sabre will be a kid or.... I don't know. Time works a lot differently in different worlds. For us a few minutes here can be years for them."
"That could be a problem."
"I know... and we don't know exactly where he is and we mig he have to stay longer."
"Last time me and Time Steve were almost used for experiments."
"I know, which is why this time, I'll come with you and.. only bring people who look human."
"Like me Galaxy Steve?"
"Yes, but the problem is... you have to stay here."
"I know, I was just wondering what you meant by that."
"Let's just go and get the others and see what is going on right?"
"Right. Let's hope they don't kill you before then."
"Yeah I hope so....."
(Word 860) So this is just a... If people like it I will continue writing but story. This isn't exactly a second book, but you can call it that if you want to. Please tell me what you think. Once I know what you guys think of this I will start writing I swear and for those who found this book and not the first book-ish I will have a link right here.


A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now