Stay or Leave

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Time Steve's point of view
Jakey hugged me tight. I sighed. We just got back from far in the future in this world. It was going to cause a lot of problems so I had to help. I don't know how long we where gone, but we got to know each other well.
"Don't hug me please."
"Why? You helped me get back to my time period after using my magic."
"You were exhausted."
"Thank you Anyways."
"I'm always here to help other time manipulators."
"That doesn't explain why I can't hug you."
"Just because I helped you doesn't mean I trust you." He lets go of me.
"Don't feel bad. You didn't know-"
"Get him!" I heard someone say in the streets." I saw a person masked up in black and green clothing I didn't get a good look at them as they ran. I shivered as his energy passed me. It felt dark and cold.. sad... I don't know why it did. A lot of other people followed.
"What was that about." I asked the feeling of the strangers energy left me.
"People are mad at him from the bad energy he gives off. He didn't do anything bad that was proven yet so we don't need to deal with it."
"Haven't you tried talking to them."
"All of us had. They just won't listen."
"I'm sorry about that. I would help more, but I need to go back to my world."
"Thanks for helping Time."
"It's no problem. I just don't want to world to fall apart with you being to far in the future." I Teleported back to my world. I was excited to see Sabre again. I don't know how much time has passed for him, but I know he will be happy to see me too. I walked back to the town to see everyone in a group talking to each other. Everyone except Sabre. I walked up to them.
"Guys, where is Sabre."
"H..Hey.... Time Steve..." Galaxy Steve aid nervously.
"Your back...." Rainbow said raising my suspicion.
"Okay, what happened?" I asked everyone.
They all stayed quiet as I waited for a answer. They all looked at each other and starred down Galaxy Steve who kept shaking his head.
"It's Galaxy Steve's fault!" Everyone said in union.
"For the millionth time he was killed by Void Steve and Nightmare." Silence.
"Void Steve and Nightmare Steve got out of the under world and attacked. They killed Sabre and I tried to save him."
"Okay. When are we going to get him." I had to remember he can't really die for me not to try and kill Galaxy Steve.
"Well, I know where he is ish... but we can't have anyone Steve looking in this world."
"I'm coming."
"You can since your look human, so can Alex. The Guardian can't come." Elemental Steve said.
"I can make myself look more human, but only me." We all looked at Galaxy Steve in confusion.
"I'll just show you." A magic went around him and he changed. His skin turned into a dark grown unlike his galaxy skin. His hair was still the same and so was his eyes. He looked a lot more human then Steve.
"I went to different dimensions I had to change how I look."
"So it's going to be me, Alex, and Galaxy Steve."
"None of us look human enough." Light Steve said. Blue Steve and Elemental Steve nodded in agreement.
"I have to keep watch over the spirit world."
"I have to watch the village."
"I want to come..."
"Rainbow you should try and get the artifacts while we are gone."
"So is everyone ready?"
"Let's go now. Sabre needs us to bring him back right?"
"Yeah he does. Let's go!" With that we were gone and ready to see what world we were going to now. Worried about how Sabre is doing and how long it will take.
???? ?????'s point of view
"I told you then would."
"I know, but why did you want me to see this." I asked.
"The strongest Steve's will be gone, this is our best change. I need you to make them stay their for as long as possible."
"It's because I am the only other person to teleport into different worlds?"
"How am I suppose to do that?"
"Keep then their as long as you can, find Sabre and lead him away from them."
"I'll do my best."
"Don't let him see you."
"I won't let anyone see me. It will be hard to find me don't worry."
"Good, now go. I will kill the rest here and we can make this actually work between the three of us."
"I know. See you soon." I used my powers to follow where Galaxy Steve went then left. I looked at the world around me and laughed. This is going to be fun isn't it?
(Words 870) I wanted to thank you guys for liking the idea and already supporting this story! I hope it will be fun for you guys still. I know I said that last chapter but, it don't care. I really hope you do.

A Shadow's Dragon Curse (FavremySabre Au Book 2?) ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now